11 Months Old

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"Dadadadadadadada!" Nayoung babbled loudly as she walked to her father with her mom's help. Jin gently let her hands go and she plopped down instantly and crawled across the kitchen to her dad who picked her up.

"She can walk on her own. I'm sure of it. She just hasn't, I don't get it." Jin sighed in defeat. They were trying the past month or so to get her to walk without help, but she chose not to. "I'd thought she'd walk for you, but I guess not."

"Maybe when we move she'll walk out of excitement and exploring the new place." They were moving to an new place with plenty of room for BTS to stay together but also have room for the growing family until their contract runs up. Each couple would have their own apartment for their family, but they would be on the same floor so they could still get together.

"Get out, Min Yoongi!" Jimin yelled and a door slammed. A tired looking Yoongi walked into the kitchen.

"What did you do?" Jin sighed. They were all adjusting to a pregnant and emotional Jimin. The blunt father of the unborn child struggling the most with the hormonal change.

"I just said his belly was getting huge." He shrugged. "I didn't mean to upset him." The blond explained.

"I'll go talk to him." The eldest went to the couple's shared room. "Jimin, its me. Let me in." He heard shuffling, the unlocking of the door, and more shuffling. Jin entered the room, finding the young pregnant male crying on the bed.

"He didn't mean it like that, Jimin." Was the first thing the eldest said. He sat down next to him and hugged him.

"I'm getting round and curvy!" He sobbed. "What if I can't ever get my old body back?!" Jin smiled in understanding.

"If you work hard you can get your body, even your abs back. But naturally your hips will get wider, but that not a bad thing. It's so that the baby can grow safe and comfortably and be delivered safely." Jin's mothering instincts only got stronger after having Nayoung, so since then he has become more wiser with time. He didn't mention that Jimin may not deliver naturally. His hips were narrow to begin with, the baby would widen them, but most likely not enough for the baby to pass through. "Hey, and I'm sure Yoongi loves your new curves!"

"You think so?" Jimin sniffles loudly. "I hate being so emotional. Sometimes I know I'm being overdramatic, but I can't stop myself."

"The baby is worth it though." Jin gently put a hand on the younger's seven months along stomach. "I've always wanted kids anyway, so when I got pregnant I didn't get too bothered with gaining the weight. But Nayoung was also further back, which hurt because she would kick up into my ribs and other organs."

"Mina does that, but my bladder is her favorite." Jin felt the unborn child kick against his hand. Neither of them seen Nayoung crawl into the room until they heard her happy little squeal as she stood.

"Hey, baby girl, what ya doing?" Jin cooed. He wasn't ready for her next move. She started to walk towards him. "NAMJOON!! COME HERE QUICK. SHE'S WALKING ON HER OWN!" The eldest exclaimed as she took tiny, wabbling steps. Namjoon was at the door instantly he watched as his daughter walked right to Jin. Now, Jin was crying as he held his arms out for her. "Oh good job, Nayie, I knew you could do it." He picked her up and hugged her close to his chest, she hugged back. Namjoon came over and showered his daughter with kisses and praising words. Jimin watched them and rubbed his stomach. He was going to have that one day with Yoongi and Mina. It really is worth it all. He started crying again and stood up to join the celebration.

"You're growing up so quickly." Jimin sobbed with a smile and pet her dark hair. That being all he could really reach with both of her proud parents hugging her tightly. Jimin walked out of the room. Yoongi was standing in the kitchen, swirling a cup around filled with water and ice. "Yoongi..." His voice came out weak and whispered. When the other looked up and seen Jimin's quivering lip, his expression became sympathetic.

"Jimin..." He walked towards his lover and hugged his waist. "I'm sorry. I need to be more sensitive. I'm sorry."

"I'm so sorry, Yoongi!" Jimin sobbed and wrapped his arms around the elders neck, before burying his face in it. "I know I'm stressing you out too. I'm so scared. What if I'm a bad parent?" He admitted.

"I worry about being a bad parent too, however..." He pulled away and wiped tears off the younger's face and pecked his lips. "We can do it. I know we can. We have to. Mina will be well taken care of and raised. We've had practice with Nayoung and she's the child of the God of Destruction. We are gonna do fine." He brushed Jimin's hair back and kissed him again, holding his soft face in his hands. Jimin had his hands on Yoongi's hips as he pushed closer to him with what his stomach would allow. In the midst of their kissing, Yoongi could feel the excited kicks of their creation against his own stomach.

"She's happy." Jimin laughed as his hyung looked down at his stomach.

"I didn't forget about you, Mina. Mommy and daddy were having a moment." He lifted Jimin's white shirt and kissed his stomach. Their daughter kicked against his lips and Jimin laughed again. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, no more upsetting mommy. I got it." He signed happily.


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