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"Like this!" Nayoung says to her seven-month-old baby sister. The toddler is on the floor on her hands and knees trying to teach her how to crawl. "Like this!" She moves her arm and leg to show her how to move forward. Sujin giggles and merely rocks back and forth in the same position as her big sister. "Like this!" She moves again, giving a dimpled smile and not taking her eyes off her little sister. Which wasn't the greatest idea as she didn't see the end table next to her. She goes to turn to face directly towards the baby and bumps into it hard. The lamp on it wobbles and falls, breaking on the floor. Seokjin rushes from doing the after dinner dishes in the kitchen and picks up a crying Nayoung who smacked her leg really hard on the end table.

"Joonie!" Seokjin yells and Namjoon is already hurrying out of his studio room. "Take Nayie so I can clean this up." He hangs his wailing daughter over to her father. She hugs her dad tightly and continues to cry. Jin picks up Sujin and places her in her baby saucer so she doesn't get hurt either, just in the event she wiggles (not crawl) her way to the mess. It doesn't take long for him to clean up the mess and throw the lamp away.

"Owie!!" Nayoung sobs, holding her leg.

"Let me see." Namjoon peels her away a bit and looks at her leg to find a spot starting to bruise. "Does daddy need to kiss it better?"

"Yeah." She sniffles and wipes her eyes. Namjoon gently gives the boo-boo a very delicate kiss.

Seokjin smiled and place Sujin back on the floor. He watched with shock as she started to move forward, crawling.

"Joonie, look!" He pointed at the baby. They watched as she slowly crawled to the couch and lifted up her arms. "She crawled!" Seokjin giggles in excitement.

"Aww, Nayie, look. Your baby sister was so worried that she came over to make you feel better!" Namjoon leaned down and picked up their youngest. Sujin let out a soft coo as she was lifted to sit on her father's lap with her sister.

"Awww, baby sissy!" Nayoung hugged the baby and Seokjin was scrambling to take pictures. By the time he finished getting pictures, Nayoung was tickling her sister, eliciting quiet giggles from the baby.

"What do you say we watch a movie and put some ice on your owie?" Seokjin sits down on the couch next to his husband who still has both their daughters in his lap.

"Yeah! And ice cream?" She smiles at her mother.

"And ice cream too! What movie shall we watch?"

"Totoro!" Nayoung says excitedly.

"Totoro it is!" Seokjin gets the movie set up before getting a towel, ice pack, and a tiny bowl of banana ice cream for Nayoung. The put the cold pack on her bruising skin as Namjoon watches her eat her ice cream carefully so she doesn't make a mess. By the time the movie nears its end, Namjoon has an arm wrapped around Seokjin and a tired Nayoung laying against his chest managing to stay awake somehow. On the other hand, Seokjin is feeding a sleepy Sujin. Her eyes are closed but open as she goes in between being awake and asleep. Its humorous for Seokjin, watching her eyes open and her to start suckling, before they flutter close and her suckles slow to a halt before repeating the process until sleep fully consumes her. Jin pulls his shirt back down.

"Give sissy a kiss goodnight." Jin whispers and Nayoung leans over and presses a kiss to the infant's head.

"Nuhnight, sissy." She says softly and then cuddles back up to her snoring father. Seokjin takes Sujin to her Princess Daisy-themed room. She gently tucks her in into her crib, the motion waking her. She starts crying unhappily.

"Shhhh, go to sleep, baby girl." He coos and brushes pets her short hair. She slowly quiets and falls into a deep sleep. Seokjin quietly exited the room. When he returns to the living room Nayoung is asleep on her also passed-out father. He picks up the almost three-year-old and put her in her princess bed. She hums and stretches her arms out, Jin quickly hands her her Princess Peach plushy. She hums again and hugs it to her chest before lightly snoring.

"Joooooooniiieeee, wake uuuuup~!" Seokjin smiles as he straddles his husband and peppers kisses on his face.


"Let's go to bed." He kisses his husband's lovely lips.

"Okay." Namjoon kisses back and stands up, supporting the younger and walks to their room with his beautiful husband in his arms.


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