10-15 Weeks

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They found out Jin was five weeks along and it's been five more weeks since then. Jin was shirtless in the bedroom, looking at his stomach in the full-body mirror. He turned and looked at it from the side. He was definitely getting a tiny bit bigger and they hadn't told the other members yet. They weren't sure how to break the news. They were telling the lead manager about it today, Jin and Namjoon asked to talk to him privately.

"You're putting on weight." Yoongi said, entering the room without being noticed.

"Yeah, I guess I need to start eating healthier..." Jin walked away from the mirror and went to the closet to look for a nice shirt. Jin heard the door close and seen Yoongi come to his side.

"Did Namjoon get you knocked up?" He asked bluntly.

"What?!" He said a little too loud and accidently yanked a black shirt out of the drawer, the cloth flying out of his grip and onto the floor.

"I went to go to the bathroom early this morning and heard you hurling your guts out. And I just came in to ask if you're okay and found you staring at your stomach." Jin bit his lip at Yoongi's conclusion. "Are you pregnant?" He asked, arms crossed.

"Yes." Jin sighed. "Don't say anything to the others yet. We're announcing it later tonight at dinner." Yoongi smirked at being right.

"I won't tell them. Not my news to share. Congrats, mommy." Yoongi turned to walked away.

"Hey, Yoongi?" The younger man turned back around.


"Please use protection. We don't need you or Jimin getting pregnant too." Jin smiled.

"Jimin calling me 'daddy' is enough for me." He smirked proudly.

"Ugh." The brunet grimaced. "I didn't need that information." Yoongi shrugged and left.


"We have a surprise we would like to share." Namjoon announced with an arm wrapped around Seokjin's waist.

"We're going to have a baby!" Jin held his stomach with a big smile. The boys cheered and gave congratulations.

"It was only a matter of time." Jimin laughed.


Fifteen weeks in and Jin was struggling to hide his belly. His most comfortable shirts hung off the ever-growing roundness. He didn't mind it though. But the mood swings drove him mad.

Everyone was in the living room, watching a movie. When suddenly all Jin wanted was his boyfriend's love and touch. He leaned closer to Namjoon, kissing his neck, his hand delicately moving down the blond's body to his crotch.

"Jin, baby, not right now." Namjoon was so far into the movie he didn't even think about what he said. Jin jerked away from his hold, his hormones causing him to overreact. His eyes filled with tears. He crossed his arms over his chest, letting them rest on his growing stomach. His chin quivered and tears flowed down his face. "Whoa, what's wrong?" Namjoon heard the sniffle and became concerned when he seen his beautiful face red with tears dripping down his cheeks.

"You don't want me. Am I too big for you now?" He sobbed, gaining attention from Jimin, Hoseok, and Taehyung, but he didn't notice. He didn't care. "I'm really horny right now, and you don't want to have sex with me." Three heads turned away, Jin never openly talked about his sex life or wanting sex. They never caught him making a move on Namjoon. It was always the other way around. So this was strange, and uncomfortable territory.

"I'm sorry, baby, I was so distracted by the movie. Don't cry. Don't cry." Namjoon wiped Jin's cheeks dry and kissed his lips. He was shocked by his lover's sudden neediness, but he was always more than willing to please the bearer of his child.

Jin pulled Namjoon's face closer, his tongue slipping into the blond's mouth. The brunet couldn't help the moan in his throat.

"Oh come on. If he needs to be fucked, at least do it in your room." Yoongi growled. "Jungkook does not need to hear or witness that."

They wasted no time. Jin was now on the bed, legs spread, moaning as Namjoon finished preparing him. "You ready, baby?" The blond asked, getting into position.

"Fuck me." Jin whimpered as the head of the younger male's cock circled his rim teasingly. Pushing into the tight hole, Namjoon hissed against the skin of Jin's neck. He patiently waited for his lover to adjust. "Move!" The blond started slow steady thrusts. Being pregnant made Jin more sensitive to everything, that includes touch. His mind was clouded and Namjoon began moving faster. "Ah!" Jin moaned loudly when his prostate was hit. Each snap of his lover's hips making his cock hit that sweet spot over and over.

"Oh god! Don't stop! Don't stop! Right there! Harder!" Jin's moans were loud and barely held back. Namjoon wanted to tell him to quiet down, but he opted against it. The lewd moans were a massive turn on and the pregnant male might start crying if told he can't fully enjoy himself.

"You feel so good, babe. If you keep moaning like that I'm not going to last." Minutes later Jin let out a long drawn out moan as he came, his hole tightly gripping Namjoon, making the blond cum deeply inside.

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