20 Weeks

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Jin was laying on the couch with Jimin's head in his lap, pressed against his growing stomach. The eldest was woken by a harsh kick. Only he had been able to feel the kicks for the past weeks. Jimin stirred.

"What is it, hyung?" He asked tiredly, sitting up. Jin put his hand on the spot over his stomach he got kicked.

"Hold on...NAMJOON!" Jin yelled with a smile. The blond rushed into the living room.

"What's wrong?" His expression held concern.

"Feel!" The pregnant man smiled. Namjoon kneeled in front of him and placed his palm flat on Jin's round stomach. "Wait for it." It was quiet and Jimin watched the two silently, waiting to hear an update. No one moved...except the baby. Namjoon felt a quick, soft pressure against his hand. His eyes gleamed up at his lover and his dimples showed clearly with his smile.

"I felt it! The baby- oh my god!" He kiss Jin's stomach.

"What a day, huh? We get to find out I am right about the gender today too." He was so excited.

"Can I feel too?" Jimin asked and was granted permission with a nod. He put his hand in place of Namjoon's, moments later he felt the tiny thump too. "What do you think it is?"

"It's a girl. I know it's a girl." Jin said proudly.

"How do you know?" Jimin asked, taking away his hand.

"I just know. Something tells me she's a girl. Mother's instinct?"


Everyone was so excited to find out the gender and finally the time to know arrived.

"You two are going to be bringing a baby girl into the world!" The ultrasound technician smiled happily.

"I was right! She's a girl!" Seokjin had a few happy tears fall down his cheeks.

"We're having a girl. We have a daughter." Namjoon placed a kiss on Jin's forehead, resisting the urge to touch his belly all coated with gel.


"GUYS, IT'S A GIRL!!" Namjoon yelled into the dorm, causing excited chaos to erupt from the energetic members. Some of them literally jumping with joy.

"CELEBRATORY DRINKS!!" Yoongi went to the kitchen, grabbing alcohol for the members, and banana milk for Jin, as he couldn't drink. Being sober wasn't that awful. Besides, someone has to keep an eye on these boys and that was Jin from day one.

He watched contently from the couch next to Yoongi, watching Hoseok, Jungkook, and Jimin dance sexily. Taehyung was sitting on the floor between Jin's legs, practically drooling over Jungkook. Namjoon jumped in too, not dancing that well, but he was enjoying himself, not breaking eye contact with his boyfriend.

It was a perfect day, followed by a perfect night. When they all went to bed and Namjoon was snoring in Jin's ear, the elder couldn't help but feel content where their lives are headed, even if they aren't dealing with new albums every few months.

All in all, he couldn't wait to meet his baby girl.

Short chapter, but there's more to come!

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