Meeting Kim Sunhee p1

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"Nayie, Sujin, are you ready to meet your little sister?" Namjoon said. The girls ran up to their father. He then brought them into Jin's room.

"Gotta be quiet, okay?" The girls giggled and nodded. He opened the door and they went to their mom's bed, where he held a pink bundle of blankets. They carefully crawled into his bed. He hugged each daughter with his free arm.

"She's so tiny..." Sujin said eyeing the baby.

"She's so cute!" Nayoung nudged her sister. "Can I hold her?"

"You can, but you gotta wash your hands really good, okay?" He ran his fingers through her short hair. Nayoung nodded and went over to the sink and her father helped her wash up.

"Why is she so squishy looking?" Sujin asked. Seokjin couldn't help, but laugh.

"Because she was curled up when she was in my belly. Remember the pictures of her?" The young girl nodded. "So she isn't used to being able to stretch out all she wants."

"Alright, sit down in that chair and you can hold her." Namjoon instructed. Seokjin sat up more, leaning forward with a grimace of pain on his face. "Babe, it's okay, I can get her." He said, gently taking the baby from his husband. "Rest." He kissed the brunet's forehead.

"Mommy?" Sujin spoke softly and Jin leaned back against the pillows and looked at his daughter. "Are you still in pain?"

"I'm just a little sore, baby girl. I'll be okay." He smiled and hugged her.

"Were you sore after you had me and Nayie?"

"Yup, that's how it goes. But mom's tough, huh?" He nudged her and she giggled. The two watched Nayoung hold and coo over her baby sister as Namjoon took pictures. "You wanna hold her too? She loves spending time with her big sisters." Sujin thought for a moment and nodded. After a minute, Namjoon lifted the baby and took her over to Sujin after she washed up. She stayed in the hospital bed with her mother as he helped her hold her baby sister.

"Hi, Sunhee. It's nice to meet you. I'm your other big sister. My name is Sujin. I was named after mommy and grandma." She spoke to her, the baby squirmed and hummed soft little noises.

"She says she's happy to meet you too." He kissed her head, brushing her long hair. "She looks a lot like daddy, huh? See her lips, eyes, and nose?" The girl looked between the baby and her father.

"Just like daddy!" She smiled. "Does she have dimples too?"

"She does." Sujin was the only one of her siblings that didn't get both of Namjoon's dimples. She only has one dimple on her right cheek. She had more of her mother's traits, where as Nayoung is a good mix but shows more of her dad's features as she's gotten older.

The moment didn't last long though before the newborn began to pout and fuss. Sujin looked at Jin with scared eyes, worrying that she did something wrong. "It's okay, Sujie. She's just hungry." He gently took the now crying baby and unbuttoned his hospital gown and started to nurse her.

"Did you feed me and unnie like that too?"

"Uh-huh. Your unnie ate a lot more than you did." He laughed remembering nursing his first two daughters. "Nayie was a chubby baby. She got that from daddy."

"Hahaha. Daddy was chubby!" Nayoung laughed from Namjoon's lap and squished her father's cheeks.

"So were you!" Namjoon tickled the oldest daughter's sides. She laughed and squirmed in his hold. "You were my chubby baby!" He peppered kisses all over her face.

"Sujie! Get daddy!" Nayoung said, requesting her back up. The five year old got off the bed and climbed on her dad's open knee and wrapped her little arms around his neck, returning the attack of kisses.

"What are we going to do with them, Sunhee?" Jin laughed gently, brushing a finger over her cheek. She had his cheek bones, giving her more of Jin's face shape. She didn't show any response to his voice and touch. Instead she continued to nurse with her eyes closed.

Kim Sunhee was unexpected, but Jin couldn't deny that with her here, his family was finally complete.

Namjoon and their three princesses.


This is as far as I've gotten prewritten for Namjin's side of things. There will be more chapters in the future, but I've exhausted myself writing so many ideas today, so further chapters will take me longer. 😂

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