The Final Princess

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"Nayie, Sujie, wake up." Namjoon said opening the door to the girl's room. He gently shook Nayoung, waking the seven-year-old. She groaned tiredly and opened her eyes.

"Is the baby ready to come out?" Nayoung asked as she yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"It is. So you and Sujie are going to be with Uncle Hoseok and Aunt Aerin for the next three days and get to play with little Yeona." They asked Hoseok to watch the girls for when the new baby arrives. Yoongi and Jimin already have a six-year old, a two-year old, and a one-year-old, so two other children on top of that felt to be a bit much. Taehyung and Jungkook have a three-year-old son and Jungkook is due with their daughter next month, so they didn't want to put too much on them. However, Hoseok and Aerin only have Yeona and they also volunteered to watch the girls when Seokjin went into labor. "Grab your pillow, blanket, and Princess Peach, okay?" Nayoung nodded and began to gather her things while Namjoon went to wake up Sujin. "Sujie, wake up, baby. Your little sister is ready to come out." Sujin whined and turned away. "Sujin, if you don't wake up the tickle monster will get you." She smiled and covered her face with her blanket. "One...two...three!" He began tickling her sides causing her to thrash and squeal with laughter.

"Daddy, stop, I'm up! Daddy!" She laughed, trying to push his hands away. He leaned down to receive a kiss.

"Grab your blankie, pillow, and Daisy." He stood up straight when he heard the doorbell ring. "They are here, you girls got to be quick." He left the room and went to answer the door. He greeted an excited Aerin and tired-looking Hoseok. "They are grabbing their bed time stuff. Jinnie and I packed over-night stuff a couple weeks ago. Come in. Where's Yeona?" He got out of the way and Aerin joyfully entered.

"Getting spoiled by Hobi's sister. She stayed the night there, but she'll be back tomorrow. Where's Seokjin?"

"Jinnie is in our room, Aerin, you can go see him!" He threw over his shoulder. Hoseok and Namjoon went to the girls room while Aerin searched for Jin.

"Jin-hyung, it's me!" She spoke as she knocked on the door.

"Come in!" When she entered Jin was standing at the dresser, double checking his and the baby's hospital bags.

"How you feeling?" Aerin asked touching his round tummy.

"Not too bad yet. I'm just ready to see our little Sunhee." He laughed.

"I can't wait to see her! Send me pictures!!"

"I will!"


"I love Sunhee, but I'm glad she's definitely the last. I'm done pushing your babies out of me." Seokjin whines through the contraction, holding tightly onto the rails of the bed. He lets out a groan. "I think she's close to crowning. Will you get the nurse?"

"Yeah!" Namjoon answers and presses the call button on the remote attached to Jin's bed. "Hey, Jinnie?"

"What?!" He says with irritation, still trying to power through the painful contraction.

"I didn't break it." The blond laughs. If he wasn't in so much pain, Seokjin would've laughed too, but that's not the case. He still manages to smile with amusement for just a moment at least.


What happens next is a blur of nurses piling into the room and moving Seokjin into the best position. The baby had already started crowning and Seokjin was already pushing, before he knew it her head was out.

"Push! Push! Push! Keep going! You're doing great! Almost done!" The nurse chanted. Seokjin squeezed Namjoon's hand tighter and pushed harder. The nurse was now able to pull the baby out the rest of the way. "And here's your beautiful little girl!"  Jaehwa lays the newborn on his chest. Her cry is loud and strong.

"Hi, Sunhee. Hi, baby girl." Seokjin sobs touching her little arms and hands. "Oh you're a chubby baby, that's precious. You're so cute."

"She's perfect. Thank you, baby. You did so good." Namjoon kisses the brunet's hair while they both coo over their newborn.

Soon they cleaned the baby and brought her back to her mother. Seokjin cuddles her to his bare chest. She's still fussing occasionally, but she seems content for the most part.

"I think she looks like you." Seokjin says softly as he familiarizes himself with the baby he had grown the past nine months.

"She looks more like my little sister." Namjoon reaches out and grabs her little hand, her little fingers wrapping around his pinky tightly. They both sit in quiet, just admiring the features of their final addition. Their unexpected little cherry on top.


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