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Thank you to Chibi_Bunny7 for making me realize I haven't written smut for this book in a long time. ❤️❤️❤️

Not proof-read and this chapter is pretty short.


34 weeks pregnant

"Mommy! Look what me and Sujie made!" Nayoung says as she and her little sister run up to Seokjin on the couch. Both girls had an array of pink, gold, and blue glitter on their hands.

"I drew unnie and that's me and that's Sunnie!" Sujin says as she points at different humanoid blotches on her paper.

"I drew you and daddy!" Nayoung says holding up her piece.

"Awww, you two are so sweet!" Seokjin smiles at their glitter-smeared drawings and hugs them.

"Mommy, can I feel the baby kick?" Nayoung asks with a dimpled smile.

"Me too." Sujin says more softly.

"Of course, her feet are up here at the top of mommy's belly." Seokjin shows the girls where to put their hands to feel their baby sister kick.

"Does it hurt when Sunnie kicks?" Sujin asks with a cute tilt of her head.

"Not really, she sometimes surprises mommy but it doesn't typically hurt, unless she gets my ribs!" He says poking at Sujin's sides getting her to giggle.

"How much longer until Sunnie gets here?" Nayoung bounces on her heals with excitement.

"About six more weeks, so one more month."

"I'm excited to be a big sister, mommy. As long as you still love me and Nayie as much as you love Sunnie."

"I love all my princesses equally." Seokjin holds open his arms and both girls hug him with happy giggles.


36 weeks pregnant

"Oh, fuck, Joon." Seokjin groans as his husband enters him from behind, holding up one of his legs in the air. Missionary isn't an option at this point in the pregnancy so they get creative. "Move, fuck me."

Namjoon doesn't hesitate pulling his hips back and snapping them forward. The action makes Seokjin choke on the moan trying to escape his lips.

"I fucking love you, Kim Seokjin." Namjoon practically growls into the older's ear, his tongue darting out to lick the shell of it.

"Ah fuck, l-love you t-too." He moans, turning his head into the pillow to muffle his noise as his husband attempts to fuck him into oblivion. Each snap of his hips basically punch the air right out of his lungs. It's fantastic. His whole body thrums with the pleasure. But of course, all good times must come to and end.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum. Ugh don't stop, don't stop!" Seokjin whines as his hand reaches around his grown belly to grasp his dick. He almost hisses at the contact but gets over when that first stroke could make him drool.

"Oh I'm not." Namjoon laughs before grunting while he picks up his pace.

"Ah yessss..." Seokjin slows his hand as he cums, milking his orgasm slowly. "Joonie..."

"I'm almost done, baby." The blond groans, his grip on Seokjin's leg tightening enough to leave a bruise of his finger tips. Soon enough he feels that pleasure release and groans as he pushes himself as deep as he can as he cums. When the heat is over, he merely lowers Seokjin's leg, reveling in the feeling of being connect to him in such a way.

"Babe..." Seokjin groans, his hand reaching back, blindly patting Namjoon's naked thigh. "We gotta shower."

"Do we have to?"

"I'm cover in cum, so yeah, we have to." Namjoon whines but pulls out.


After their shower Seokjin passed out immediately, snoring in his deep slumber. Meanwhile, Namjoon has his hands up the older's shirt feeling around his pregnant belly.

"Hope we didn't disturb you too much, your mommy is insatiable." He laughs, his nose pressed against the bump, nuzzling it tenderly. "I can't believe you'll be here in just four weeks. And when your mommy complains on how big he is and blames you, just ignore him. He doesn't mean it. He's happy that you grow so well. Your the last princess. I love you, Kim Sunhee." He kisses the bump tenderly, all the while feeling her kicks with his hand increase. Suddenly Seokjin groans as he wakes up.

"You excited her." He whines.

"I'm sorry." Namjoon laughs and kisses his husband's forehead.

"'S okay." He mumbles and rolls over.


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