24-27 Weeks

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Yoonmin smut ahead, plus baby name reveal!


"Uh, Jin?" Jimin scratched the back of his neck.

"What's up?" He looked at the younger, pausing on cutting vegetables.

"Your shirt uh..." His face was red and he wasn't sure how to say what he wanted. Jin looked down, noticing two wet spots on his shirt, right over his nipples. Jin put the knife down and let out a whiney groan.

"Can you cut these vegetables while I change my shirt?"

"Of course!" Jin smiled and walked to his room. He was told when he went to the doctor and found out that since he was pregnant, he would more than likely produce milk and not to worry if his nips started to leak. He had been dreading this moment, especially at only six and a half months pregnant, as if the sore, swollen, and sensitive chest weren't enough. He had specific tank tops made for this so he didn't have to were a bra-like thing. Jin returned in a black tank top that hugged his body, showing off his new curves. He noticed how Jimin stared at his round stomach.

"Please wait to have babies." He smiled.


The pregnancy was no longer a secret. The fans knew and most all were ecstatic. Jin really beat himself up for the fans they had lost, once he had broken down in tears because of that and some of the hate they got for it, but most of all he felt bad for their daughter.

"Baby, don't cry." Namjoon hugged him close, Jin's round stomach pushed against his flat one.

"I'm worried about our daughter. She hasn't done anything wrong!" He sobbed loudly. "P-p-people are saying such hateful things about her. What if she gets b-bullied and harassed? She didn't do anything wrong!"

"You're right. She didn't do anything wrong. So don't worry about it so much. We will always protect her. Us, the members, the managers, we will keep her safe. Now, I think I know what might make you feel better." He gently pushed Jin away and wiped his eyes.

"What?" He sniffed.

"She still needs a carseat, high chair, shoes, headbands, and always needs more clothes. What do you say we go shopping?" Jin smiled and nodded. This was probably the fourth time going into public since his pregnancy announcement to the media. It was warm in the store and Jin started to get too hot and took off his large hoodie.

"I like this one!" The brunet pointed at an infant carseat that was light pink, grey, and black. "It's really cute!" He couldn't help be excited. He loved shopping, especially for his daughter.

"So you don't want that pink one with white polka dots?" Namjoon double checked and Jin shook his head. "Alright." He crouched down and grabbed the box that help that carseat from the bottom shelf and put it in their cart.

"Are you Rap Monster?" He heard a voice say. He turned around and seen two girls, one of them clearly heavily pregnant and holding the hand of a young boy.

"Yes I am!" He smiled. The girls gasped.

"And Jin?!" Jin leaned awkwardly around Namjoon and waved. He stood behind his lover for protection, worried and self-conscious. "Oh congratulations on your baby!" The oldest girl said. "How far along are you?"

"About twenty-five weeks." He kept a secure grip on his lover's shirt. Jin stepped out from behind Namjoon.

"You're a bit small for twenty-five weeks!" She noted.

"Yeah, the baby sits more towards his back." Namjoon laughed.

"Baby?" The young boy pointed at Jin, but looked at his mother holding his hand.

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