Maybe A Boy?

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18 weeks pregnant

"Nayoung, what do you think the baby is going to be?" Namjoon asks. Seokjin had made cupcakes with colored filling revealing the gender of their final baby.

"I think it's a boy! Mina has a little brother and I want a little brother too." Nayoung explains.

"Me too!" Sujin exclaims excitedly. Seokjin just looks at Namjoon and smiles.

"Alright, take a bite of your cupcakes and find out." The girls unpeel the paper and take a big bite.

The creamy filling was pink.

"A baby sister! Sujie, we're getting a baby sister!" Nayoung squeals as she puts the cupcake down and hugs her.


Namjoon and Seokjin laugh at their excitement, happy they aren't upset that they won't be getting a little brother.

"Mommy, what's her name going to be?" Sujin asks softly, getting up from her seat at the table to hug her mother.

"Kim Sunhee."

"Can we call her Sunnie?!" Nayoung asks immediately.

"Of course!" Namjoon answers.

"Of course!" Namjoon answers

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20 weeks pregnant

"So three little girls?" Aerin asks as she does her makeup in the mirror.

"Yeah, I thought for sure it was going to be a boy, I already even bought some blue stuff for the nursery, but it'll work out because there's still one Mario princess left to cover and her dress in blue." Seokjin answers from where he sits on Aerin and Hoseok's bed rubbing his growing stomach. He's showing more in his third pregnancy, he made the ultrasound tech check numerous times for a twin, but nope, it's just one. This baby is growing more outwards instead of upwards unlike her big sisters. But Seokjin coos over the fact that Sunhee will probably be a chubby baby like Nayoung was.

"Rosalina, right?"

"Correct! I'm so happy you remember that."

"I've played too much Mario with you to forget. Also thank you so much for watching Yeona tonight, she needs interaction with other kids and my Astro boys are just a bit too old." She laughs.

"No problem! I got to get used to taking care of three girls anyway. And besides, you and Hobi need to go out on more dates and it's good for Yeona to be around other kids."

"Hoseok and I still try for a baby, ya know, it just doesn't happen. I know it's me, but maybe we'll adopt again. I'm fine with either option." She smiles back at Seokjin from the mirror, no longer having that hidden sadness in her smile like she did before they adopted Yeona.

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