Welcome to the World, Kim Nayoung!

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"Push!" Jin did as he was told. He felt like he was going to be split in two. He held his breath as he pushed. "Good job, mama, I can see the head." He fell back against the pillows trying to regain his breath.

"You're doing great!" Namjoon encourage his lover.

"I-it h-h-hurts so bad." He cried. It hurt the blond to see him in so much pain.

"I know, baby." He kissed JIn's sweaty forehead and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "Our daughter is going to be worth the pain though, isn't she?" Jin nodded but harshly squeezed Namjoon's hand when another contraction hit him, being his cue to start pushing again. It wasn't so bad once the baby's head was out but it was a very uncomfortable feeling.

"One last big push, and you'll get to meet your baby." Jin was so tired but he gave the push everything he had. Once the shoulders had passed, the rest came with no effort. A small cry began to sound and Jin's eyes went wide. "Congratulations!" The nurse gently laid the newborn on his chest. The baby was still covered in gross things, but he didn't care. She was so beautiful. She cried loudly and wiggled as the other nurses wiped her clean.

It felt as if his chest got warm from the inside. If he wasn't already crying, he now had streams coming from his eyes.

"She's so beautiful!" Jin's hands held her against him. She had a lot of dark hair on her head

"She must get it from her mommy." Namjoon had tears now too. There are no words to describe the happiness, love, and excitement he felt.

They took the baby girl so while she got washed, Jin could deliver the placenta and get cleaned up as well. Namjoon held the bundle that contained his newborn daughter.

"She looks so much like you, Jin." Tears slid down his face as he stared at his daughter's features. She made cute incoherent coos. "She's got your eyes, nose, and lips. But she's got my dimples and eyebrows."

"We made one beautiful baby, huh?" Jin smiled tiredly.

"Do you have a name for her yet?" The main nurse asked with a smile.

"Kim Nayoung." He answered and watched Namjoon stare at the product of their love.

"You can let visitors to meet her, you're more than welcome to bring them in whenever you are ready." The lead nurse smiled. "If you need anything just call, there will still be an assistant in here for you." She bowed and left.

"I'll take her. Go get the boys." Jin held out his arms. He was tired, but there was no way he could sleep right now.

"Daddy will be right back, princess." Namjoon kissed the hat on her head before giving her to her mom. "I'm so proud of you. I love you two more than I can say." He put an arm around his boyfriend and kissed his lips.

"We love you too." They kissed once more before the blond walked out. They could only bring in two people at time, but they were allowed to stay. The hospital just didn't want an onslaught of people entering at once. Yoongi and Jimin were brought in first.

"Nayoung, I'd like you to meet Uncle Yoongi and Uncle Jimin." Jin cooed.

"She's so beautiful!" Jimin was close to tears.

"Would you like to hold her?" Jin asked. Jimin could only nod. With Namjoon's help, Jimin was given the baby. He cradled her in his arms. Jimin swayed from side to side, staring at the baby's face.

"You did good, hyung." The blond man said to his elder.

"Thank you." He smiled tiredly.

"You too." He said to Namjoon before he was pulled into a hug.

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