Moving Day!

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It was moving day, being six months pregnant meant that Jin wasn't able to pick up and move most things. He still played a big part to help though. He watched Nayoung and Mina while everyone else towed things out to the moving truck. He just put the girls down for a nap and closed the door to their room when he heard someone scream "oh my god" from another room. He followed the sound, hoping someone was hurt for yelling like that which could've woken the children since they literally just fell asleep. He became more understanding when he saw him and Namjoon's..."novelties"...scattered on the floor. One toy vibrating on the rug.

"God dammit!" Seokjin cursed and angrily squatted down to shut off the iridescent vibrator.

"I'm sorry, hyung...the box fell and-"

"Just get out and let's never speak of this again." Seokjin cut him off by throwing the toys in the box. Namjoon was supposed to keep track of this box and make sure it was tightly sealed so this exact situation didn't happen. Unfortunately, Hoseok's mind has the image of vibrators, dildos, cock rings, and other adulterous sex toys strewn on the floor now burned forever in his mind. "Send Namjoon in too, please." The younger nodded and left his pregnant hyung with the mess. 'God, this is embarrassing' its not like Seokjin was the one who bought all of it either. He personally bought only three of the items. But Namjoon liked to try new things and get creative in bed. Jin wasn't against it, as long as his boyfriend didn't go overboard. Once things were placed back into the box, Namjoon appeared at the door. The blond stifled a laugh.

"Kim Namjoon, it's not funny!" Jin pouted. "Hoseok probably thinks I'm some sort of freak in bed now, but almost all this was your idea!" He gestured to the box. Namjoon just continued to laugh as he helped Seokjin stand up.

"I'm sorry." He kissed Jin's forehead and then his pouting lips.

"Tape it up properly please and don't lose it. I don't want another incident or I will throw that box in the trash."

"Okay, okay, I'll take care of it." Namjoon paused and looked down at his husband's round tummy. "She awake?" He asked, hands feeling around the bump.

"No, I've been moving around a lot so she's most likely asleep." He yawned, sleep sounded nice.

"Why don't you go lay down with Nayie and take a nap. The truck is about full anyway. So we should be back in a just a few hours, okay?" Namjoon ran his hands through the soft brown locks of hair on Jin's head.

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too." He gave his lover a kiss and watched him hobble tiredly out the door.


He got the box of sex toys safely into their new home, already tucking it in the corner of their closet. He made a mental note to order a lockbox for in the future. When he returned he went to Nayoung and Mina's room with Jimin.

"Hi, pretty girl!" Jimin whispered as he took his wide awake and happy baby out of her crib. Nayoung was curled up around Jin's stomach, still fast asleep with her mother. Or at least he thought she was until he walked closer and crouched down next to the mat.

"Daddy!" She opened her eyes and smiled. "Baby move!" Seokjin began to wake and stretch.

"Is your little sister moving?" Namjoon put his hand on Seokjin's belly. He felt little kicks against his hand. "Ah, she is! Sujinnie is kicking mommy, huh?"

"Sujie! Nice!" She poked Jin's belly.

"You used to kick me too!" Seokjin softly pinched her cheek. "Nayie used to kick mommy a lot." He fake pouted.

"No!" She laughed and continued to babble other words, however they were unable to be deciphered for the most part. She's always been very talkative although they couldn't understand her a year ago. They once thought it was because of the members all living together and since someone was typically talking, however, they aren't sure of that theory since Mina came out. Mina makes soft or loud squeals. She doesn't "tell a story" like Nayoung would. But premature babies tend to have delayed speech, although Mina does just fine yelling "dada" and as of yesterday "mama" was added to her vocabulary.

"The box is safe and taped up. So you don't need to worry." Namjoon smiled.

"Good, help me up?" Namjoon helped his husband stand. "Your youngest has me feeling like a cow." His hands rubbed the expanse of his stomach.

"I'd say 'beautiful' would be more fitting." He winked getting an eye roll. "I do have good news, baby! The furniture guys already dropped everything off in the garage!"

"Did Nayie's big girl bed come in too?!" Seokjin had ordered her a pastel pink, princess toddler bed. Although, she probably won't sleep in it until sometime after the new baby is born, as Jin didn't feel she was quite ready for it.

"Yep, and her dresser also. And our new mattress."

"I can't wait to see them! We have one more trip with the truck, so I think I'll drive over and take Nayie to see our house and I can set up my new kitchen."


Initially, the company was going to help them get apartments on the same floor, however, there were a few new houses built nearby, so the company had those reserved instead, they just had to wait a bit longer to move, but Seokjin was happy to have his own home. He stares proudly at his new kitchen. Of the four houses, his had the biggest kitchen. A large stove and fridge, plenty of cabinet space, a dishwasher, pantry, and an island with bar seating and a sink. He couldn't wait for the day they are settled in and he can make a large meal for the members. He puts their new bowls, plates, cups, and utensils away to his preference. Nayoung tries to help, but she's crawling into the cabinets more than anything and yelling "Mommy!" and she giggles and says "Found me!" when he opens the counter door and crawls to another empty hiding place. Then it suddenly dawned on him...

They don't have any food.

"Nayie, baby, you wanna go to the store with mommy?" He asks, opening the door to the pantry where she's hidden herself, tucked into the corner. She replies something, but let's just take it as a 'yes.' "Let's call Uncle Kookie to come with. Mommy needs to teach that boy how to shop for real meals!" He laughs and dials the younger. Namjoon gets mad if Seokjin goes out by himself just because there are plenty of psychos in the world and he doesn't want any one in his family hurt.

"Hyung?" Jungkook answers.

"I'm coming over to get you. I need to go shopping and you're coming with so I can teach you how to adult." He teases as he sits on the couch, angling his legs weird until he can get his shoes on.

"Uh okay."


Later at the store...

"Jeon Jungkook, you aren't going to live off of ramen. Put some of those back!"

Jungkook wasn't a major cook like Seokjin. He can make simple meals, as in anything out of a box, but his pregnant hyung wasn't having it.

This is going to be the longest shopping trip of the maknae's life.


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