Meeting Kim Sujin

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"I'm coming in!" Soohyun whispers at the door, holding Nayoung's hand. They walk around the curtains and see Namjoon holding the new baby and Jin sitting up in the bed.

"Hey, baby girl!" Seokjin smiles and calls out for Nayoung. The toddler runs to the side of the bed and begs for someone to help her up. Her Grandpa Sungjin immediately helps her while Soohyun is making a beeline for the newest arrival. The moment he sees her, he clicks his tongue and gently takes her from Namjoon.

"Awww, look at that precious face! You look like your mommy~!" He cooes. She squirms and tries to open her eyes but gives up. "Grandma can't be upset with you any more, just look how cute you are! But I won't let you forget that you did not kick once for me when you were in your mommy's belly, which isn't fair to your grandma, missy." He pouts at her and then looks up at Namjoon and gives him a one-armed hug. "You did good." Soohyun then handed the newborn over to her grandfather and went to give Seokjin a hug. "She's beautiful, you did great, baby." He gave his son a kiss on the forehead.

"Kiss kiss kiss!" Nayie bounced on the bed. Luckily, she's so light that it didn't jostle her sore mother.

"Kiss!" Seokjin smiles and receives a wet little kiss from Nayoung. "I love you, baby girl." He says hugging her.

"Wuv you, mommy!"

"Your grandparents are hogging your baby sister." Seokjin teases.

"My baby sissy!"

"Sorry, sorry..." Sungjin apologizes and slowly hands the baby over to Jin.

"Look, Nayoung. It's your little sister!" Jin adjusts the blanket so Nayoung can see her sleeping face.

"Baby Suji!" She points, her mouth open. She's too far ahead of her time for a two year old...

"Good job, Nayie!"

"Baby!" She puts her hand on Jin's still swollen tummy.

"Nope, there's no baby in mommy's belly." He laughs along with the other adults. The suddenness of the laughter caused Sujin to wake up. She squirmed and kicked her legs and whimpered pitifully. To soothe her, he gently rocks her in his arms, the only one upset though was Sujin. But Seokjin is so happy to be surrounded by his family and his little girls in his arms, it's hard to be remotely upset.


Soohyun and Sungjin stayed a few nights while Seokjin settled in with the new baby. He didn't need the help, he has Namjoon for that, however, it was still greatly appreciated and allowed them to get more sleep.

Nayoung had already taken to being a big sister. She would run and grab a diaper and pack of wipes and hand them to whoever was changing the baby even if they already had the supplies. They even let her hold Sujin, but not without hawk-like eyes and ready hands since she's still very new.

"Your daughter is giving me a weird look." Soohyun spoke with Sujin cradled in his arms.

"Its not a poop face is it?" Seokjin made his way over to his mother and daughter. Sujin was awake and staring in the direction of Soohyun's face. Her brows were furrowed and her bottom lip was stuck out in a pout. Seokjin immediately started laughing "Mom, what did you do?! She looks pissed!" He laughs, tears coming into his eyes.

"Jinnie, language! And I did nothing. She woke up and just started glaring." He gently bounces her, hoping to entertain her but she doesn't move and continues to stare.

"Nayoung is napping and Sujin doesn't understand words yet." He smiles and pulls out his phone to take a picture.

"Oh, look, she finally blinked." He states, hiding his amusement.

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