1st Birthday

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Unproof-read. Let me know if there are any mistakes. Thank you.


Seokjin couldn't sleep. Instead he was in Nayoung's small room watching her sleep peacefully. He thought back to just a year ago. It was strange to look at his daughter now and remember when she was still in his womb, but ready to come at at this time. She's grown so much and she's very smart too. Her pediatrician is always shocked by how well developed her speech is. A year ago she wasn't talking or walking. A year ago his belly was swollen with child. He doesn't realize it at first, but his hand is placed gingerly on his flat stomach. He could still remember how it felt when she kicked and moved.

"Jinnie?" Namjoon whispered and opened the door. Jin let his hand fall from his stomach to hold the side of the crib. "What are you doing in here?"

"A year ago at this time we were in the hospital getting ready for her to come out." Seokjin gently ran his finger down the side of her face. "I just can't believe she's a year old already." He sniffled, holding back his tears. Not only was it his daughter's first birthday -which was emotional as is- he was also ovulating which made him even more emotional today.

"Jinnie..." Namjoon smiled and wrapped his arms around his lover. "Unfortunately this is what children do. They never truly stop growing." Seokjin silently sobbed. "Take her, she can sleep in our bed the rest of the night."

"Are you sure?" If it wasn't for Namjoon cutting the figurative cord between Jin and Nayoung, their daughter's crib would still be in there room. But Namjoon needed alone time with Jin some place other than the bathroom.

"Yeah, it's her birthday after all." Jin squealed and gave Namjoon a quick kiss before scooping Nayoung into his arms and taking her out of the crib. The baby didn't even wake up to it. It's rare for Jin to get to cradle her like a baby any more since she's no longer being breastfed, so he can't help but hug her close. When they get to their bedroom Seokjin lays her in the center of the bed and cuddles up next to her. Namjoon smiles and crawls into the bed as well. "Can you sleep now?" Jin hummed, already starting to fall asleep.


The first thing Jin sees when he wakes up make happiness blossom throughout his chest. Nayoung had crawled onto Namjoon's chest at some point in the night. Namjoon and Nayoung both had their head turned facing towards Jin, mouths hanging open, and Namjoon's hands holding the baby in place on his torso. Jin couldn't help but have to take a picture. He stared at them lovingly for about ten minutes before Namjoon and their daughter began to wake. Namjoon stretched his legs as Nayoung rubbed her face into his chest before lifting her head and seen her mother.

"Happy birthday, my beautiful little girl." Jin gently pet her hair. She smiled, dimples showing.

"Mama!" She crawled over to her mother allowing Namjoon to fully stretch. She plopped down on his chest as she hugged him. He hugged her back, resisting the urge to cry at her cuteness.

"Happy birthday, Nayie." Namjoon rolled to his side and gave her a kiss causing her to squeal.

"Oh, my sweet baby!" He cooed. "Let's make breakfast and then we'll wake up your uncles!" He sat up and handing her to Namjoon. Seokjin went over to the door and slipped on his fluffy pink robe that Namjoon had gotten for him. "Alright, let's go!" He picked her back up, but quickly gave his lover a kiss too.

He decided to make oatmeal with pancakes on the side since Nayoung loves it. She played with her toys on the floor of the kitchen while watching Jin cook. He cut up some apples, strawberries, and took out some chocolate chips and blueberries to make into the pancakes. He made two pancakes specially for Jimin. The younger was thirty-one weeks pregnant and desperately craved for anything strawberry and chocolate. He tried to make the pancakes to each members taste and some extra in case they wanted something different. The food was soon done and Namjoon was carefully setting the table.

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