7 Months Old :)

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Nayoung was definitely a character and loved attention. She was now crawling and would cry when she didn't feel like crawling to get someone to hold her.

Yoongi walked into the kitchen with Nayoung crawling behind him, humming. But she stopped and let out a squeal and sat down on her diapered bottom.

"Tell him what you want, Nayie!" Hoseok encouraged her. She cooed and bounced her arms up and down excitedly. She looked back at Yoongi and let out a loud cry.

"I'm not going to hold you forever." He said, picking up the baby girl. For some reason, Yoongi was her favorite person that wasn't her parents. "Eventually, you'll be too big to carry." She didn't care, she loved being held. He carried her into the kitchen with him. She was quiet as she watched what he was doing. He grabbed a cup and filled it with water and walked back to the living room. Nayoung reached and grabbed the rim of the cup, causing Yoongi to drop it and spill water all over him and the floor. She watched the cup hit the floor and looked up when she heard a groan. Yoongi looked at the baby's face, she stared back for a moment before giving him a gummy smile with two bottom teeth. Taehyung walked into the room and started laughing.

"Did you make Uncle Yoongi spill water all over?" He cooed. The baby smiled at him as he walked over and took her from his soaked hyung. "You did, huh?" He laughed, nuzzling his face on her belly causing her to smile and giggle. He gently set her back down on the floor. However the little one made her way right to the puddle of water on the floor.

"Ugh, Nayie!!" Hoseok groaned when he heard her splashing in it. They were supposed to be watching her while Namjoon and Jin were out.

"Hello!" Jin called from the front door as he took his shoes off. "We just stopped by real quick- what happened? Please tell me that's not pee."

"It's just water. She's bent on being destructive like her dad." Yoongi said tossing a towel over the wet spot and then moving Nayoung out of the way.

"Baby girl..." Namjoon cooed, walking over to kiss his daughter on her dark hair. She put her hands up in the air, wanting to be picked up. He unbuttoned her soaked onesie before picking her up. "Let's get you in some dry clothes, hm?"

"If she's too much to handle, let me know, Namjoon and I already went to dinner. We don't have to go to the movie." Jin spoke with concern. Even though it was the guys who offered to take her so they could go on a date, he still didn't want to impose.

"It's no big deal, there's four adults here. She's fine." Jimin said walking into the room.

"Well she can be quite a handful sometimes though...I don't want to overwhelm you." Jin continued.

"Babe, stop. You deserve a night out." Namjoon came back with Nayoung sporting a pink pair of footie pajamas with yellow ducks on them. "She's fine and so are the guys. Let yourself have a nice date night with me, okay?" He kissed Jin's plush lips, their daughter reaching for her mother. When they backed away, the brunet hugged his daughter close. Her black hair silky soft against his cheek and hand.

"I should at least feed her before we head back out...we have sometime before the movie anyway." They all knew that Jin pumped before they left so there was a bottle or two in the fridge, but he liked the bonding time with his child. Hoseok got out of the recliner and opted for the couch for Jin. The eldest sat down and unbuttoned his dress shirt then proceeded to pull the strap of his tank top down. He cradled and nursed her with ease from experience, as she fed he gently rocked the chair. He burped her when she was full, just in case.

"Alright, Jin, let's go before we are late. She'll go to sleep here real soon anyway." Jin pouted and kissed his daughter once more before handing her off to Jimin. "Be good, Nayie, I love you." She smiled happily but broke into tears once her parents left.

"Shhh, its okay." Jimin bounced her gently.

"Well, I'm going to go to bed. I have a breakfast date in the morning." Hoseok went to his shared room with Taehyung and Jungkook, leaving Jimin and Yoongi with the crying baby in the living room. After a while she quieted down. Yoongi watched as his lover put a pacifier in her mouth and cradled her, gently rocking her so she would sleep.

"Yoongi, do you ever want a baby of our own?" Jimin asked quietly, staring at Nayoung's tired face.

"Yeah, but in like five or ten years." He waited for Jimin to respond, but he didn't, he continued to walk around and rock their niece in his arms, watching her eyes start to flutter closed. Would his baby like to fall asleep in his arms? Would he have a boy or girl? Would they look like him or Yoongi? And when would he muster up the courage to tell Yoongi?

They're going to have a baby too.


To read the Yoonmin side of this story line go here http://my.w.tt/UiNb/tpjC8oM88x

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