Coming Soon!

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Jin was about three weeks before his due date now. They set up a section of their room for the baby, since it would just be easier for the time being until she gets bigger. The members had gone and bought a whole bunch of things for the new addition. Only four out of seven of the guys were present in the dorm. Namjoon, Jimin, and Hoseok left to get groceries and more needed baby items, and some required items for Seokjin as well. Not only was he a pregnant male, but along with the whole thing, he started to leak colostrum. Jin was tired, but restless a lot of the time. Most of his time was spent on the couch, so he could watch tv or spend time with the other members. At this point in the pregnancy, you could actually see some movements made by the unborn baby girl, as sometimes Jin's stomach would visibly shift.

"Does it hurt when she moves like that?" Jungkook was so young and curious. He stared as the top of Jin's round stomach shifted upward.

"It's not very comfortable for me, but I also don't think she appreciates the lack of room either." He shrugged and rubbed his stomach, but the baby stretched even further. Jin winced. "It does hurt when she shoves her feet into my ribs. That's how we know she's going to want out soon, since her feet are up here." He guided the maknae's hand to the top of his stomach. "And her head is down here." He pointed at the spot where he could felt a sort of pressure. The youngest was so fascinated with the whole thing and excited to meet the baby.

"I think you're giving Jimin baby fever." Yoongi sat down next to Jin on the couch, watching his stomach shift back down.

"Please don't get him pregnant." Jin pleaded in a near whine.

"Hey, we always use protection." Yoongi settled down into the soft cushions. "Besides, two babies in the house is more than plenty."

"What do you mean 'two babies'?" The second oldest got a dark glare.

"The one in you and the one to your left." Yoongi pointed at Jungkook. Jin couldn't help but laugh. Jungkook really was babied by the members, but he was well taken care of. Since getting pregnant, Jin ended up mothering him even more, but the maknae didn't mind, he quite enjoyed the added attention.

"Kookie, wanna take a shower with me?" Taehyung asked, towels in hand.

"Okay!" Jungkook got up and went into the bathroom. The two eldest rolled their eyes. However, Yoongi noticed the way Jin relaxed and sighed, closing his eyes as he laid his head back against the back of the couch a moment later.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Seokjin answered with a nod before speaking.

"I've been hurting all day. I thought my hips were done growing, but guess not." The brunet's hands held the bottom of his stomach.

"Anything I can do to help?"

"No, but thank you." He laughed. With another sigh he tossed his blanket off of him and scooted forward. Getting up from sitting or lying down was such a hassle now with the added weight to his front.

"Where you going?" The younger man stood up and grabbed Jin's arms to help him to his feet.

"Bathroom and then I'm gonna grab some food from the kitchen."

"Just don't get me in trouble. They probably won't be back for a few hours since they are getting more things for the baby. You know how they are."

"Yeah, yeah." Jin waved him off with his other hand behind his back to help alleviate a tiny amount of pain. After doing his business he went to the kitchen. He really wanted a cooked meal, but ramen would have to do. He started some water, but didn't leave the room. His legs hurt from not being used like they should, or it could've been the weight he gained from the baby, he wasn't quite sure which. As he waited for the water to boil, a shiver of pain started in his lower back. He rubbed the area. At least his arms and hands didn't hurt. The pain lingered for awhile before dissipating. He added the noodles to the water and stood there with a fork trying to submerge the noodles. However, moments later when his ramen was nearly done, the pain came back, but more intense. He panted when it first hit him and grasped the counter leaning forward. The timer beeped and he still continued to cook through the pain. Eventually it left and he ate peacefully in the kitchen. The feeling came two different times as he ate. The next one made him drop his bowl right on the floor, causing it to break into large chunks. Luckily, it went far enough away where it didn't hit Jin's feet, not that he could see them. Yoongi rushed into the kitchen hearing the crash.

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