The Guard

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I put the tray of applesauce, garlic bread, and yogurt on Ahren's lap after he sits up. This is his dinner. Yes, his dinner.
He's barely been keeping anything down. We're starting to get worried. Well, more worried.
"Do you want anything else?" I ask.
"Can I have some grape juice please," he requests.
"Of course baby."
I send the maid to get him grape juice.
"How are you feeling?"
"Better. Can I please go to the ball with you mommy."
"No Ahren. You need to rest."
He looks down.
"I'm sorry sweetie."
He starts crying and I sigh.
"Please don't cry Ahren."
"I really want to go mommy."
"I know you do. If you stop crying I might let you come down for a little bit later. But I can't promise."
He nods and calms down slowly. Once he's calm I kiss his forehead.
"I'm gonna go now ok? I'll comeback to check on you in a little bit," I assure him.
"Can I go when you come back?"
"Maybe. We'll see ok?"
He nods.
"Love you mommy."
"I love you too sweetie."
I leave and go to the ball. It's very calm and happy.
Eadlyn's with Marlee, Daphne, and Kile sitting at a table. I go over and sit next to Marlee and Eadlyn.
"Hey," Marlee says while shifting Josie, her almost 1 year old daughter, in her arms.
"Hey," I reply, grabbing a sandwich.
"How's Ahren doing?" Daphne asks.
"Not very good. He's still pretty sick."
"Is he better?"
"A little bit. He's really upset though. He was really excited about the ball."
"Aww poor little guy," Marlee comments.
"Do you think it'd be ok if I brought him down for whatever little bit later?" I ask her.
"Maybe. As long as he's not running around."
"I'd keep a hold of him."
"That sounds fine. It might help go get out of bed for a bit any way."
"Alright. Thanks Marlee."
"No problem.
Eadlyn comes over to me.
"Can Ahren come play with Kile and me?"
"No honey. He needs to rest. I'll bring him down for a bit soon though ok?"
She nods and goes back to Kile.
Someone taps my shoulder and I turn around.
My jaw drops.
I jump up and hug him. He laughs and hugs me back.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
Aspen has been working far away as a general in the armies. He sometimes comes back to the castle to work, but works away a lot. I haven't gotten to see him in 5 months. It's been pretty hard on Lucy, who's stayed here to be a maid.
"I came back to see my family," he says with a smile.
Eadlyn runs over and hugs him. Kile hugs him too.
"Where's Ahren?" Aspen asks.
"He's sick. Come on, he'll love to see you. It'll cheer him up."
We head to Ahren's room together.
"Is he ok?"
"We think so. He's not eating much though."
When we go in and Ahren sees Aspen, the smile on his face makes me so happy.
"Uncle Aspen!"
Aspen goes over and hugs him.
They talk while I get a dress shirt and pants our for Ahren. He may be sick, but he's not wearing his pajamas to a ball.
Ahren looks at me and I smile.
"Ready to go to the ball?"
He smiles and nods. I help him get dressed.
I take notice of the almost full tray of his dinner.
I pick him up once he's dressed and we go downstairs.
I don't keep him down there long, but the time he was there made him so happy.
He ended up falling asleep on me, so I take him to his room and lay him in bed.
Once I'm done Aspen and I spend some time together, just catching up.
Every time I look at Aspen, I think of all the memories we created together. So many memories with the guard.

"You look amazing Mer."
"Thanks Aspen."
"Do you know the gender?"
"It's a boy."
He smiles.
"That's great," he says.
"I've missed you," I say.
"I've missed you too."
"You need to come visit more. Especially for Lucy."
"I know. With my leg this is one of the only jobs I can do. And I love this job."
"I know Aspen. And I'm happy about that. I just miss you so much. And I know it's so hard on Lucy."
"I'm gonna spend a lot of time with her. Now that we're married, we're thinking about having kids."
He smiles big and nods.
He laughs.
We sits on a bench so he doesn't hurt his leg, and I tell him all about being a parent.

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