When I Was An Elite

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I grab Maxon's arm.
The guard notices and makes us get down.
The other guard had stayed behind, watching the man. He is our driver so he isn't dressed as a guard.
Before the shooter can do anything, the guard runs through the flowers and tackles him. He pins him down.
The other guard helps us up and rushes us to the car. We get in and he locks the doors. The guard goes to help the one in the garden.
I put my hand on the seat and watch the guard go back into the garden.
Once he's out of sight I feel Maxon put his hand on mine.
I look at him.
He's looking at me worried.
"Are you alright?" he asks.
"I'm fine," I assure.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes Maxon. I'm ok."
"Your elbow is scrapped."
I look at my elbow. I hadn't even noticed in the madness that my elbow got scratched. It's not to big but it's bleeding. It's not nearly as bad as the bruise on the other arm from the man kicking me.
"We'll get you a bandage. Did he hurt you at all when he pushed us down?"
He looks from my arm to my stomach, then to my face.
I now understand why he's being so protective.
I take his hand.
"Maxon. I'm ok. Nothing hurts."
"Your arm-"
"Has a little scrape. Nothing bad."
He looks at me for a minute then hugs me.
He hesitates then concludes, "maybe this was a bad idea."
"What was a bad idea?" I ask.
"Going on this trip."
"Why would you say that."
"Because things like this happen. I risked your life for a dumb vacation."
"This 'dumb vacation' is one of the best memories I will ever have with you. I've had some much fun. It's amazing seeing you so relaxed and just so care free. This has been wonderful. So stop."
He looks at me.
"People are crazy. I'm not hurt. I don't know why people think it's ok to hurt others, but they do. We just have to be careful. Let's just move on to the next stop and forget that happened," I say.
He nods.
I take his hand. He squeezes it.
"I love you," I add.
"I love you too," he replies.
I kiss him. He kisses me back.
The guard unlocks the doors. I jump a bit.
They both get in then lock the doors.
We look at them.
The driver turns around to face us.
"Do you want us to drive to the next stop sir?" he asks.
"Yes please," Maxon answers.
He turns around and starts the car.
"What did you do with the man?" Maxon asks.
"We got him in cuffs and searched him. The security for the gardens took him inside. They'll bring him to jail and he'll go through a court case," the other guard responds.
"Do we have to go to it?"
"If you want you can go sir. But there are many witnesses."
"Alright. Let's just go."
"Yes sir."
"Oh. And we need a bandage for America's arm."
The guard grabs a first aid kit from the console and takes out a cloth.
The other guard starts driving.
The guard wipes off my elbow gently then puts a bandage with medicine on the scrape.
"Thank you," I appreciate.
He nods and puts everything away.
I keep a hold of Maxon's hand. I lean my head on his shoulder.
Everything's silent for a little bit.
"I've been thinking a lot lately," I break the silence.
"That's never good," Maxon teases
I give him a look.
"Kidding, kidding."
"Mhmm. Like I said. I've been thinking a lot lately."
"About what?"
"Everything we've been through."
"That's a lot to think about."
"It is."
"And how do you feel about all of it?"
"I feel....grateful."
"Why grateful?"
"Because I have you. And the kids. And a happy life."
"I'm grateful to have all of that too. I'm grateful that we get to share it all together."
"We get to share all of our life and our memories. Because we're us."
"And we'll always be us."
I smile and kiss him softly. He kisses me back.
"Thank God you picked me."
"How could I not?"
"I was a little worried you wouldn't for awhile."
"But I did."
"But you weren't going to."
"Because I was being stupid and almost made the worst decision of my entire life."
"I'm glad you didnt...I didn't want anything to do with you at first."
"I could tell."
"But I fell for your charms."
"I had to try so hard for you to just give me a chance."
"Sorry. I just didn't want to be with you at first. I thought you were cute, but I thought you were snobby."
"Am I snobby?"
"I'm kidding," I laugh.
"Am I seriously snobby?"
"No Maxon. You're fine."
"Well gosh."
"Back to what I was saying. When I was an elite I decided to actually try. But only when it was only a few girls left I knew I had to try harder."
"I would've picked you in the end no matter what. I loved you the minute I saw you, I just couldn't be sure yet. We were just meant to be."
"I really thought you were going to pick Kriss though."
"I was going to. I was just so mad."
"Exactly. What if you did pick her?"
"Then I would be miserable."
I look at him.
"Let's not think about what ifs right now. Let's just enjoy our trip," he says.
I nod. I guess the topic is a bit stressful. 
We small talk all the way to Rochedale, Midston, which is three hours away.
We arrive at six-thirty so we go straight to a diner for food.
We both get a grilled chicken salad with a lemonade.
"We should get to Dominica tomorrow," Maxon informs me.
"Alright. What time do you think?" I question.
"Probably when it's dark."
"Are they ok with us showing up late at night?"
"I'm sure they're fine with it."
"I feel like that's rude."
"We're helping them honey. And you're friends with the mayor's wife. It'll be fine."
"Let's try to get there before 10 at least then."
"If we leave early in the morning again that should be fine. I was going to let you sleep in in the morning though."
"I'll just sleep in the car."
He nods.
We both eat our food. I help him finish his then we go outside.
After walking around stores for awhile, we decide we want a snack.
We go to the public park and sit on a bench together.
I look around at the other people, and I notice the guards doing the same. They keep an eye on everyone around us.
Maxon has one of the guards cut the pomegranate in half. We put both halves in separate paper bowls. He hands one to me and hands me a pomegranate spoon. He has the other.
"How do you think the kids are?" I wonder.
"I'm sure they're fine. They probably miss us, but I bet they're having fun with Marlee," he replies.
"I miss them a lot."
"Me too."
"And we haven't even been gone that long."
"I know. Hopefully we won't have to stay for too long."
"It'll probably take awhile though."
"It just depends on what they have ready."
"At least we're helping our people."
"Exactly. That's the important part."
"I wish we could've at least brought the kids."
"It would've been nice, but I don't want to risk them getting hurt. I'm already nervous about you getting hurt."
"You could get hurt too."
"I know. But if you didn't come I would've just flown straight there and it wouldn't have been as risky."
"That's not nearly as fun as this though."
"That's true."
I smile at him.
He smiles back then keeps eating.
I finish and put my bowl on the ground.
He reaches over to one of the plants and picks a red flower. He hands it to me with his adorable grin.
I put it in my hair then lean my head on his shoulder.
He puts his bowl aside and puts his arm around me.
We watch a group of kids play soccer until it gets dark.
We throw away our trash then go to our hotel room.
I get my shower then put my hair in a ponytail.
When I come out of the bathroom Maxon is laying on the bed in just his shorts.
I smile and go over to him.
I put my dirty clothes in my bag then lay next to him.
He turns towards me.
I lean over and kiss him.
He kisses me back and continues to kiss me rougher.
He puts his hand on my waist and pulls my body against his.
I run my right hand through his hair, letting my fingers twirl the hair at the nape of his neck.
"I love you," he whispers against my lips.
"I love you too."
He kisses me again, this time moving on top of me.
I undo the buttons on his shorts, and he works my night gown off.

I put my night gown back on and Maxon puts his boxers on.
We lay next to each other.
I yawn.
He puts his hand on my stomach.
I look at him.
"How are you two feeling?" he asks.
"Tired," I answer.
"Get some sleep then. I'll try to let you sleep as long as possible."
I nod and snuggle closer to him.
He holds me as I fall asleep.

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