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The next morning, I was informed, was a Monday.
Apparently, since Alice saw us coming (because she was a seer, or something. I don't really trust that. It bothers me,) she signed us up for the last week and a half of school since the graduation date for Jasper, Alice, Edward and Bella was the tenth of June, and it was May twenty-seventh, she had Carlisle put the four of us in the school books.
"Meredith wake up you'll be late!"
"Fuck you!" I yelled as I finally sat up.
I looked out the window to be greeted with a rare ray of sunshine. Deciding to take advantage of the rare nice weather, I changed into a pair of my old shorts. I expected them not to fit me, but with my malnutrition issues from the times of the tent, they did fit. And they didn't look that bad either.
When I finished, I grabbed the bag that was at the foot of the bed with 'Meredith' written on it via sticky note.
Walking downstairs, I saw Bella holding something. "So I remember how you loved to skateboard and you haven't done it in forever..."
Skateboarding was my first tomboy thing. The guys and I did it as kids when our dads would go fishing or leave us by ourselves. Jacob, Quill and Embry got me my first board for my birthday and Paul got me my first helmet for my twelfth birthday. They were all tired of me stealing there's.
Then something stuck out in my mind...
Paul wasn't at the bonfire last night. All of them were. But not him.
A part of me missed him. We argued a lot, hell, we got into a few fist fights as kids... but he would always come see me when I came back from 'boarding school'. He would always make sure to take pictures of parties and places for me. He cared even if he didn't show it that much.
Bella snapped me from my thoughts as she pulled a board from behind her back. It was like my old one, just refurbished.
"Bella that's fucking wicked!" I smiled widely as I hugged her. "I'm gunna ride it to school!"
"Meredith can you come here?" I heard Harry call me and I walked into the living room from the kitchen and froze.
"Why are you here?"
It was Draco.
Draco and I... we dated. I loved him and he used me to get to Harry.
"Get out of here!" I screamed and looked at Hermione.
"Mere?" Bella inquired and began to walk in.
"Give me a moment with Malfoy, please. Watch Bella." I spoke lowly and set my board on the floor as the other three walked away.
"Backyard. Now."
I pushed him out the sliding door in the living room going to the backyard.
"You have thirty seconds to explain why you're here because I will tear you apart," I growled. "I'll do it Draco you know that."
"I'm sorry." He spoke. "I love you."
I froze. My eyes filled with tears and I couldn't distinguish them from anger or sadness.
"I am done with you! You used me!" I screamed and pushed his chest.
"Mera-" he spoke, using his nickname for me. He coined it after he pronounced my name wrong when we first became 'close' in fourth year.
"Don't you dare call me that, Malfoy." I spat. "Get the hell out of here. I want a normal life now." I turned from him, slowly walking to my house. I was hoping that this would be enough of a hint for him.
"It'll never be normal you know that."
"NOT WHILE YOU'RE HERE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Tears had spilled over at this point, cascading down my face like rain. "YOU RUINED ME, DAMNIT." I hissed loudly.
"I love you," a tear fell from Draco's face.
I slammed the door shut and looked at him through the screen of the door. "Now you know how I felt."
Bella had been filled in, apparently, because she pulled me into a tight hug.
I wiped the tears from my face and cracked all my knuckles.
"I'm okay," I spoke with a small smile. "I'm okay, Bella. I'm over it." I slung my backpack on.
"Come on, guys. Let's go to school."
That's something I never thought I'd say.
The ride to school on the board was amazing. The memories of my hair in the wind and the laughs we all had... it was enough to make me forget Draco.
The ride was short, however, which I didn't care for. I could stay on the board for hours. I may be able to do a lot of things, with or without magic, but flying isn't one of them. I can use my powers to make me levitate a bit, but I can't create a wind so powerful to make me fly. Flying, on this board, was insane.
I tapped into some of my extra strength from my tiger form and went as fast as possible. I could control this board and
I knew that. My skills on the board and my control over my own body permitted me to be able to go twenty five miles an hour downhill towards the local high school without hurting myself.
When I reached the school, nearing all the other cars, I did a jump over the curb and managed to stay right near Bella's truck.
Everyone had been looking at me at this point and I smirked as I picked up my board.
Everyone got out of the car and we saw the Cullen family. I smiled as we all walked over.
"Hey," I smiled at everyone.
"I'm surprised you didn't hurt yourself," Emmett spoke and gestured to my board.
"We've been over this, Emmett. I'm actually good at being a functioning human being, unlike my sister."

Hey everyone

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Hey everyone. So this was kind of a crazy chapter. It's insane I know. Draco and her were a thing. So I think I know who I want her to imprint on. But it no one comments and tells me who they want, I'm gunna choose Paul. I love Paul so much. He makes me happy❤️

Eat, Sleep and Pray✌🏻️

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