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Paul, Arthur and Molly walked back into the room after I had explain how a muggle light bulb worked to George and Ginny.
"You see," George spoke. "Our lights work when we unlock the door. Is it anything like that?"
"Well," I started. "Yours work on magic. Ours are made from technology and motion sensors."
"Meredith," Molly spoke from behind us. "Can I talk to you?"
I nodded and stood, walking over to them. Paul gave me a reassuring smile before he walked back over from the door to the two younger gingers and began a conversation about muggle cars, since they complimented Paul on his pick up.
Molly smiled at me, and outstretched her hand. I knew that meant we would be apparating.
Exhaling, I took her hand and the familiar feeling of being ripped apart before being slapped back together ricocheted through my body like biting on aluminum foil with a metal filling in my tooth.
When I opened my eyes again, I saw we were at the familiar Fairy Pools.
I started coming here when I got my apparating permit. This place has held my tears and screams. It's so pure.
"He's a nice boy, Paul," Mum spoke. "When you told me he was your imprint, Arthur and I were delighted."
"Then what's wrong?" I asked her as a slight wind rustled the green grass against our feet.
"There are two friend who are willing to die for your love."
"Yeah..." I spoke, not knowing where she was going.
Molly stood next to me as she stood next to me, our eyes scanning over the glistening pools as she cleared her throat. "So what's going to happen if the wrong one lives?"
Her question shattered my heart. It was something that I never thought about and never wanted to think about. Paul couldn't lose. He wouldn't.
What would happen if he did?
No. He wouldn't.
'Don't be stupid', I remembered thinking to myself. 'They're both equally powerful. Draco is just crazy enough to kill him.'
Unavoidable fear rippled through my whole chest like the perfectly still surface of water being broken by a stone being hurled through it at a hundred miles an hour.
"That won't happen," I defended Paul's wolf as I crossed my arms, turning away from Molly slightly.
I couldn't think about. It would kill me.
"Meredith." Molly tried again softly. "We have to have an answer."
"Emily told me the breaking of an imprint is the worst pain that an imprint could ever experience," I explained but then I had remembered that Mum had no idea who Emily was. "Emily is the imprint of one of the other wolves."
Molly sighed before she stepped in front of me, forcing me to look at her. "Meredith Eliza Swan. I'm trying to help you."
I nodded slowly. But she needed to understand. To talk about the death of an imprint like that... it rocks my whole body.
"If Paul dies, you need to know what to do about Malfoy."
"I'll kill him," I growled simply.
The familiar urge of cracking my bones and showing my tigress form is so overwhelming. I want to run to the woods and never come out to avoid this question.
"No you wouldn't," Molly said. "You'd go with him."
"Are you insane?" I gasped towards her as my jaw dropped. I didn't know whether to be angry or mad.
"You would go with him because you would get close to him and then you would kill him and run."
She's not wrong. But the initial urge to rip Malfoy limb from limb if he did that is making my heart skip beats even now.
"A part of you still loves him. That's why you haven't let Paul kill him yet-"
"Don't you dare say that!" I screamed as I turned away.
I think she might be somewhat correct. But how could I live with myself? Paul is my imprint. My everything. Draco means nothing to me. Should mean nothing to me...
A tear finally left my lid and they all followed in fast succession. "He can't die."
"I'm not saying he will, Mere," Mum spoke as she got on her knees in front of me. "I'm just saying that there's a chance that we may need a plan."
"Like what, Mum?" I asked her. I was trying really hard to not get mad. To not get mad at the fact that Molly thinks my imprint could do.
"I'll help you kill him."
Molly didn't just...
"You'll what?" I had prayed I didn't hear her right.
"Kill Draco. It needs to be done."
"Can't we just erase his memory?!" I inquired.
"See? You still-"
"Molly don't you dare," I cut her off. "I'm Mother Nature. It's in my heart to ask when someone is going to die. Especially someone that I know."
"It has to happen, Meredith. I'm sorry."
Molly saw me looking towards the woods. She saw my defeated, tear clad face. I didn't think I needed Paul right now. Hell, I didn't know what I needed. But I know I needed to run and get the hell out of there.
"Go," she spoke, gesturing to the woods. "I'll tell them you're safe."
I nodded to her and felt my body contort and shift.
Molly had seen it hundreds of times, so she wasn't phased. I looked at her, standing there and waiting for her to say something, and she did.
"Be back before nightfall, Meredith. Don't make Paul upset. Not now."

Hi everyone!!!
New chapter!
What did you guys think? A little bit of a plot twist. Right?
-peace love and pixie dust, Clary✌🏻️✌🏻️

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