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The battle was over. It's been about a week. Bella and Edward have announced their engagement and wedding day. I was set to be the maid of honor.
That was great. But there were some things I had to handle. My past kept coming back. Flashbacks... Alice said it was called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Paul could tell I was a little off, I think. He was starting to get worried. I could tel by how he was acting. But what was I supposed to say? Was I supposed to tell him that Draco was coming to me in my sleep and trying to get me to help him? He wanted me to help him get back to his mother in Europe. Draco wanted his Mum and I had to figure out how. It just bothered me that he was alone and well... dead.
I was going to help him, obviously, but there were some other things I needed to do.
So while Paul was on a patrol with the pack, now looking for Jacob since he lost his mind and went ballistic, I had a few hours to kill which I planned to use to see some old faces.
The candles were all around my room, lit. The wicks of each candle were all different colors. But I had a special candle for everyone who had ever lived and died. Each candle was based off the person has a different color, shape and rate it burns. That candle gives me the opportunity to see each soul again, no matter wherever they were: Purgatory, Heaven or Hell.
The candles are made by their essence in a way, their spirit. The time of how long it burns is determined by they're characteristics as a person.
The ones I needed appeared when I needed them. But the ones I had lit around the room were simple unscented Yankee Candles that I used. I wouldn't want to waste good spirits.
But three candles appeared on my windowsill this morning. I'm not sure where they came from, but by the handwritten cursive tags, I knew who they were: F.G.W., Frederick Gideon Weasley, D.L.M., Draco Lucius Malfoy... and S.S.S. Severus Sunshine Snape. Yeah... his middle name was Sunshine. It was a nickname of his aunt from when they were children, I learned when I was reading up on him when I discovered what I was. I wanted to learn everything about everyone.
I knew what I had to do with these candles.
I took Fred's, which was one of the most unique I've ever seen, and put it in the top drawer of my nightstand. I had better gimmes for that. It was shaped like a regular tall church candle, but it was mounted to a wooden base. The colors changed, and there was an orangey red to a yellow which turned to green like leaves.
Draco's was black. Pitch black with this obsidian-smooth texture. I think there were actually pieces of obsidian inside that made it like that.
Snape's was curvy. It was a hollowed circle with the wick on top in the middle. It wasn't black like I expected it to be. It was a dark blue, but not navy. Grey swirls mixed with the blue and the scent of paper was off the candle.
I put Draco's down on the ground first. Fred's was stowed away and I planned to use Snape's after Draco's.
In the center of the floor, I lit Draco's candle. Around the room, there was a tense energy as the essence of Draco Lucius Malfoy was assembled into a figure.
"Meredith?" He inquired. I could see the fear that was evident in his grey icy eyes. "Where am I?"
He was a spectral figure. He was semi-transparent, but I could still see his hair glistening in the light of the other candles.
"My room," I spoke with a small smile as I stood, my hands shaking a little. "You've been asking me to send you back to your Mum, right?"
He nodded widely and I held up the basket of dried herbs that I had prepared. "I'll send you to your Mum."
Across Draco's face was something that... Draco was crying.
"I'm so sorry how I've hurt you." I set the basket back down as I walked up to him. He was wearing his familiar black suit.
"It's alright, Draco." His hand slid along my cheek as his lips ghosted my forehead.
"I hope you and your mother can make peace," I choked as I took a handful of spice and herb before I threw it into the air.
I closed my eyes, feeling the energy of the room change, and when I opened my eyes, Draco and the candle itself was gone.

I closed my eyes, feeling the energy of the room change, and when I opened my eyes, Draco and the candle itself was gone

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Hey everyone!!!
This is a shorter chapter, just because I was so so so excited to get to see Snape again.
Peace, love and pixie dust

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