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Paul came back into the cozy, pure-aura kitchen, lined with wood and wrapped an arm around my waist, kissing my forehead. "Come on. Let's take you home." I agreed to him with annoy and gave him a small smile.
"Can I try something with you?" I asked him and he nodded hesitantly. I was kind of nervous because he had never apparated before but... there's a first time for everything. I grabbed his hand and apparated to my bedroom.
He keeled over, his hands on his knees and his chest heaving. He must have been nauseas. He took is quite better than a lot of people did. Hell the first time I did it, I vomited, then cried for a solid twenty minutes. I almost got splinched, too.
He frowned, standing and wiping his face with his hands, almost to shake himself back to balance. "What the hell was that?"
"How wizards travel," I explained quickly as I crossed my arms with an amused smirk. "It's called apparation."
"I don't like that," he shook his head and wobbled a little bit. I guess he had more after affects than anything else if he's still dizzy.
"So what did you and Sam talk about?" I asked him as I dropped my backpack on the floor by my door, hearing the metal clinking against the floor and I kicked my flip flops off.
I fell onto the bed face first and let out a groan as Paul looked at me, a slightly worried expression on his face and left me without an answer. I was tired, scared and pissed off. And I didn't like it that he wasn't speaking to me about the problems that I brought upon us.
"Meredith," Paul spoke and poked my buttcheek as he tried to get my attention before I mooed at him from anger.
"What?" I inquired and turned my head to face him, my face squished against the mattress under the toffee colored comforter of my bed.
"I never asked you," Paul answered cryptically, changing the subject and physically picked me up, setting him on his lap. I had a leg on either side of his and was currently tottering on either of his knees as he balanced on the edge of my messy bed.
"What?" I asked, thinking of whatever he could mean as my hands found a home in his hair, splaying the short, soft strands between my thin, pale fingers.
"I never asked you to be my girlfriend," he spoke as his hands wrested on my waist.
A light blush brushed my cheeks as I shook my head and shrugged, shaking. "You don't need to-"
"Meredith Swan, will you make me happier than you ever thought you could, and be my girlfriend?" I smiled and nodded.
Like I said, he could be an ass when he wanted to be, but he's also a sweet guy. Either that or he's trying to change the subject. He's probably doing it to keep me from blowing a fucking gasket about us all dying or being kidnapped and tortured cause it's not like that's never happened before.
He kissed me happily at my agreement to be officially his, and I smiled into it as his hands settled tighter around my waist.
There was a whoosh and a crack, a little wind around my room, then a thud.
"MEREDITH." I heard a woman scream loudly, scoldingly, and fell off Paul's lap to see Mrs Weasley, George, Ginny and Mr Weasley.
I turned a beet red and set my hand on my face as I stood from the ground where I had landed. "Guys, this is Paul. My boyfriend and my imprint."
"Paul," I continued the introductions as I bit my lip anxiously. "This is Mister and Mrs Weasley. You already know George and Ginny."
"Oh," Paul said and stood and rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. He blushed, and even under his russet skin I could see it. He stuck his hand out and shook Mr Weasley's firmly. I think that's a testosterone thing.
"H-hi, Sir." I've never seen Paul stutter before. It's kind of surprising, actually. The big bad wolf with the uncrackable attitude, stuttering to a wrinkly, British ginger man?
"Paul, is it?" Arthur asked jovially as they released hands.
Ginny smirked at me and I discreetly flipped her off, tucking a piece of hair behind my hair to disguise the profane gesture.
"Ron came to see us. Told us about Draco." Mrs Weasley said. "I have no clue what you kids were thinking, not telling us this before.
"Mum," I spoke and hugged her. Molly was like a mom to me since I never saw my biological mom except during odd summers as a child. "It's okay. I'm okay..."
"We're going to keep it that way," George said, protectively. Him and Fred had always been like that during our years at Hogwarts.
A part of me was happy that they were here. I knew they cared but it meant a little more.
Yet... at the same time... to see them here brought me to bad places. I didn't want them to come back. I didn't want to have to relive the fact that I lost their son for them. George I could handle. But his mother and father...
I wanted them to go home and be happy. I didn't need them involved in whatever was going on here.
"Now," Arthur spoke, cutting me from my reverie, "Paul. May we speak with you?"
He nodded and kissed my forehead before he walked out with Arthur and Molly.
George and Ginny immediately burst out laughing. "Wow, Mere. That's rough."
I blushed and cringed a little. "Shut up."

Hi guys!!!
Clary here!!!!
So another chapter. It takes me a while to update more ik I'm sorry I'm busy as fuck.
There will be more probably tonight. Stay tuned kids.
Now what would you little monsters like now???
Leave comments and I'll see what I can do

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