Bella Swan has a sister. The reason you haven't heard of her before, is because she's been fighting with The Chosen One, The King, and The Brightest Witch of Her Age. Meredith Swan, is The Warrior.
But now, Voldemort has been defeated, and the whol...
I apparated back to my bedroom. I had run, Merlin, maybe twenty five miles. It only took an hour at most. I opened my eyes again, after the nerve-exploding feeling of being shredded left my body. Paul had left me a note on my pillow, signifying he was gone. Probably on yet another patrol. 'Dear Curls,' I smiled to myself as I read it. 'This is nothing. We're made for bigger and better things. We will get there one day, baby. I promise. Molly and the others left. They'll be back soon. Now. You have graduation on Wednesday. I want you to go to that last day of school tomorrow and show that son of a bitch that he can't win you. I love you, -Paul' I smiled a little more. Paul would win. He needed to. He would- There was a knock on my door. I froze. No one was home yet. Slowly, with my wand gripped firmly in my shaking hand, I stalked towards the door and hugged the walls. When I reached the front door, I looked through the peephole to see Rosalie. I wondered why she was here. I opened the door and she greeted me with a small smile as she pulled two bottles of wine from her bag. "Girl's night?" Giving a thankful smile that I didn't have to be home alone, I opened the door and widely gestured for her to come inside. I knew from when I met Rosalie we would be close but we never got to talk much. Rosalie walked inside with a smile after a quick hug. "You guys did an awesome job on the renovations." "Thanks," I smiled as she set the wine down. "Hermione said it was your favorite." She spoke and I nodded. "It is. It was the way I felt fancy at fifteen," I laughed and grabbed a wine glass. "I was just going to watch movies. You're welcome to join," I spoke as I opened the first bottle, pouring a hefty amount in. She nodded happily and I looked at the selection of movies that everyone had contributed to. The Breakfast Club stuck out to me. It was one I had always loved and hadn't seen to a while, so I decided that I would watch that. I had gotten changed into floral cotton shorts and a white Henley before Rosalie and I took seats on my couch. "So you and Paul, huh?" She asked as the familiar song started playing. I blushed a little as I turned to her, the wine sloshing around in my glass a little. "I'm not judging. I'm quite happy for you," she spoke as she gave me a reassuring smile. "You've been through a lot. You deserve to be happy." "Thank you," I spoke as a small smile graced my face as the severe blushing on my face went down. "I'm sorry about the other one," she spoke. "It can't be easy on you to have someone who hurt you so badly come back to ruin what you've created here." I nodded as I finished my glass, setting it back on the table. "It's definitely not easy. But, I'm hoping he'll either give up or that the good guys could win again." Rosalie nodded. "So. Are you excited about graduation?" "Yeah, actually. I really am. Since we never got our graduation from Hogwarts, this is kind of like everything we wanted." I began to launch into a story of our years at Hogwarts. The adventures, the quidditch, the ball, all of it. I even went and got the moving photo album that I had compiled. With another full glass of wine, we began to look through the photos of the years that I was attending Hogwarts. "You look beautiful here," she spoke as she found my Yule ball photographs. Hermione and I had taken pictures together and with our dates, and I obviously kept them. Had Ronald not been an asshole, it would have been the best night of my life. "Who's the hunk?" Rosalie smirked mischievously as I crossed my legs. "That hunk, is the prince of Bulgaria," I spoke and he jaw dropped. "No way." She gasped and I nodded as I slipped my hand into the book to save our place before I went to another page, pulling out the letters and invitations he had sent me. He had died three months ago, but I miss him dearly. "The royal families are royal families for a reason, Rose," I smiled a little at her shocked expression. "He was killed in the war. He died to save me." "I think he loved you." "I wish. He was stable. Draco and I... he had used me to get to Harry for information. He worked for Voldemort, the Dark Lord that had killed Harry's parents as a young child." She nodded, encouraging me to continue. "He took something from me that I didn't think anyone would ever take or ever want from me. He raped me. He was drunk and I wasn't giving in." A tear gathered in my eye and I could see them forming in Rosalie's as well. "Meredith," Rose spoke as she set her cold hand on my hot one. "I was attacked too." Rosalie began to tell me her story. The one where Royce King, the 'most eligible bachelor' had attacked her. It was horrible. "I've always been a bit dramatic," she snorts a little and wiped the tears from my eyes. We stayed talking for a few hours. The idea of seeing Draco tomorrow made me increasingly anxious as the small hand got closer to the twelve on every clock, but I could deal with it. Hell, maybe he was gone. "I'll be over to help you and Hermione get ready," Rosalie spoke. "You'll be the prettiest girls there." Rosalie convinced me to go to bed around eleven thirty, telling me that if Draco pulls any bullshit I'll have to take him down myself to prove a point. "I'll stay to make sure he doesn't do anything crazy," she spoke and I looked at her. "Are you sure?" I inquired. No one had ever done that for me before. "Of course," she gave me a smile. I took her into a loose hug before wishing her a goodnight and padding to my room, before collapsing into my unmade bed.
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Hi guys! So her and Rosalie are really getting to be close friends. I love Rose so much. I think I'm just gunna write a short two or three paragraphs about school then skip to graduation. Because the whole aspect of the newborns is important. Peace! -Clary✌🏻️✌🏻️