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It had only taken about two days for me to decipher the mysteries of Hogwarts that had yet to be solved.
A pack of rogue centaurs who were being led by a radical Voldemort fanatic had been instructing them to take people. Everyone they had taken was alive, according to the man who took them, he only took them to prove a point.
I had apparated back home. It was about seven at night when I apparated back and decided to surprise Paul at his house.
I apparated onto Paul's front porch and let myself in. Paul had made it clear that I was welcome at any time.
But at that time, I clearly wasn't.
The house wasn't full of people, the love seat and recliner had been empty, the bar stools in the attached kitchen were empty, only pizza and Chinese takeout boxes lined the counters. But...
When I walked inside, I saw quickly that Paul wasn't alone. He was shirtless, with some... whorish looking girl laying on his couch. They were...
They weren't having sex but she was straddling his waist and his hands were on her ass and all of these things that didn't add up.
She was wearing light blue denim shorts, with studded pockets and a fitted hot pink tank top, which I could see she had no bra on under.
"Hello, Paul," my now thick accent snapped. A dead man could feel the anger on my face and they would both me lucky if I didn't snap right then and there.
He sat up with superhuman speed, the tan Prostitute nearly falling off his couch and onto the floor.
Hell, I wish it did. I wished It would crack its head open.
Yes. It. She's an It to me. She doesn't deserve a name.
"Oh, hey Meredith." Paul spoke nervously as he saw my red, livid face. "I know what this looks like. You have to trust me."
Trust? He wants to speak the word trust to me? How dare he have the audacity to say that to me!
"What the hell am I supposed to think, Paul?" I screamed. My voice had lost its normal niceties. It was royal, regal. It had become dangerous and it demanded to be heard without second thought.
"She's such a bitch," the slut whispered under her breath. Had I not been one of the most powerful beings on the planet, I wouldn't have heard her. The tiger in me was able to sense whenever an ant entered the room. I was always attuned to my surroundings without having to be blue tooth compatible.
"Fuck off," I spat and then turned to her. "I'm sorry. I can't tell you to fuck off if I don't know your name. I'm Meredith."
"Rebecca Black." I froze at her upward affliction and looked from her to Paul.
"As in Jacob Black?"
She nodded. "Paulie and I dated in high school."
Oh this just gets better and better, doesn't it?
"Paulie and you?" I repeated with not only sarcasm but mockery and she nodded as Paul looked between the two of us.
"Awesome," I shook my head and hung it as I walked towards the door, tears threatening to crawl over my eyelids. "That's awesome."
I threw the door open and began to walk out.
Paul grabbed my arm and spun me around to look at him. "Mere," he was desperate and we both knew that. But how could I be okay with what he just did.
I snatched my hand back, ripping it back with a great force. "Whatever, Paul."
He knew I didn't want to be followed. Nothing good would come if he followed me and he knew it.
He's supposed to be my imprint, the love of my life. Where is he? That's not who I fell in love with!
Was he cheating? I mean that's sure as hell what it looks like. And with Jacob's sister nonetheless! They dated in high school... Jesus my life is a romance novel.
I landed back in my bedroom seconds later and Hermione was already in there, putting away folded laundry from a basket.
"Mere! So glad you're-" she took a look at my broken face, disheveled hair and clothes and set the laundry in her hands down before she finished, "home."
I sucked in a slow breath, which was really all I could manage and puffed out, "Paul cheated on me."
Her jaw clenched as she took me into a hug, her hand caressing the hair that was fallen from the tight bun it was formerly in as it fell down my back. "Meredith, oh my Merlin. What happened?"
We fell on my bed with a crash and Hermione wiped the tears away as I struggled to breathe through the hysteric sobs that were wracking my body.
"I-I-I walked into his-his house to say hi and-and he had a g-girl," she nodded. She knew that I knew the difference between a friend and a suspicious situation. She knew I was hurt for she knew that I was most likely right with my suspicious.
"Hermione are you in?- Meredith?! What's wrong?"
It was Ron. Merlin, this isn't what I wanted. "Paul cheated on Meredith."

Hi guys!!
It's Clary!
So if you guys follow me, you'd know that I started a knew story. It's called Regency. It's interesting to me. It's really different but I would love if you guys all tried. Leave comments all over it. I love y'all!!

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