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The rest of the week flew by, and before I knew it, it was Friday.
I was itching to see Paul again, but whenever I asked Jake or one of the others, they said he wasn't home.
This didn't change when I asked when Jacob came to see Bella and I asked.
"Have you heard anything from Paul?" I inquired as I got a bowl and began to freely fill it with mint ice cream, my favorite.
"No, Curls. I haven't heard anything from Paul."
"I feel like you're lying." I spoke as I poured chocolate syrup all over the ice cream.
Jacob was cut off by someone apparating into the living room. It was Neville and Luna.
"Hi," I smiled at them and Bella and Jake stared at them. "this is Neville and Luna. Guys, this is my sister Bella and our family friend, Jacob."
"Hi," Bella spoke.
"We have it," Neville spoke. "All the money. You're ready to buy it."
My eyes widened. "Really? Already?"
"When they heard it was for Meredith Swan they rushed it."
"Did you count it?" I inquired and they nodded.
"One hundred thousand American dollars. Ready."
"I love you guys." I spoke before I hugged them. "Guys! Neville and Luna are here!" I called and Harry walked downstairs from our still shared room.
"Hermione and Ron went on a date."
"Rough," I spoke and Harry snorted as he hugged Neville and Luna.
"Great to see you guys. How have you been?"
"Doing our best," Neville said with a small smile. "You guys?"
"Seeing family and friends made it better," I spoke and Harry nodded.
"You made up with your dad?" Luna asked with a smile and I nodded.
"We're actually moving down the street. Within walking distance."
"When are you guys doing that?" Neville asked. "We'll stop by."
"Well now that we have the money and the deed, tomorrow." I spoke and they smiled.
"Congratulations you guys," Neville smile.
"What about you guys?" I inquired as I set the money on the table.
"We're actually taking jobs at Hogwarts once it's all fixed up. I'll be teaching Herbology and Luna will help Hagrid with Care of Magical Creatures."
Harry and I smiled widely. "That's amazing," I commended. "I'm so happy for you guys."
"Congrats," Harry spoke. "You've done amazingly, guys."
Hermione's voice cracked through the door as it opened. "We're home!"
Harry stuck his head into the hall.
"Guess who's here?"
It was about seven thirty. I was on my new muggle phone.
I want to see Paul. I've texted him twelve times in three days and... nothing.
'Never mind, asshole' I thought to myself before my phone went off.
"Hey, Meredith?"
"Paul?" I spoke into the phone. "These muggle phones are weird. I don't like them."
He let out a small chuckle. "I'm sorry I haven't been answering. I had some stuff to handle."
Well at least he wasn't ignoring me.
"It's totally fine. I get it," I spoke as I finished my calculus homework. Yeah. Calculus. I'm a magical war hero and I'm being subjected to doing muggle calculus.
"Can I make it up to you?" He offered through the phone.
"How?" I inquired.
"Remember how we used to go cliff diving?" He suggested.
"I missed that. Would it be too dark?" I inquired.
"No. it's only seven thirty. We'll be at the peak by eight. The sun doesn't set until about nine."
"Well, Paul. It's a date."
That slipped out before I could stop it. "Yeah, Curls. It's a date."

Paul picked me up about ten minutes after the phone call, and I smiled at him as I hopped into his pick up truck.
"Hey baby," he smiled at me and I felt my heart skip a beat but I smiled.
I texted Bella telling her I was with Paul.
"Jake told me about the house," Paul smiled at me. "Congrats."
"Thanks," I smiled. "I just have to hope we don't burn it down."
"Cooking was never your strong point," he joked and I rolled my eyes before slapping his shoulder slightly.
"Shut up, Paul."
"You love me," he rolled his eyes with a mischievous grin.
"Nah, not really," I joked back.
"Not yet."

Hey everyone!!So up at the top, there's a yellow house

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Hey everyone!!
So up at the top, there's a yellow house. That is the house that they bought and will be moving into.
Just to clarify, after they set up the house within the next two chapters, I plan to skip to the graduation when everything goes on. When I finish with Eclipse, I might end book one. I'm not sure. I also might have Draco come back and try to win her heart and have Paul get involved. I'm not really sure.
Thanks to all the readers! I love writing for you guys!
Peace love and pixie dust✌🏻️

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