Bella Swan has a sister. The reason you haven't heard of her before, is because she's been fighting with The Chosen One, The King, and The Brightest Witch of Her Age. Meredith Swan, is The Warrior.
But now, Voldemort has been defeated, and the whol...
I woke up next day on my bed. Paul had climbed in next to me, apparently, as I felt the insanely warm feeling of Paul's chest against my back. Looking at the alarm clock from where I laid, I saw it was 11:17 in the morning. Turning to Paul, I looked at him. His eyes fluttered open moments later and he looked at me with a small smile. "Hey, Baby," he smiled at me as his husky breath danced across my cheek with a smile. "Hi Paul," I spoke and he set a soft kiss onto my lips. "The boys filled me in. I'm sorry about what happened with Bella," he spoke as one of his long tan fingers ran through my hair, a tendril pushed behind my ear. "It's alright. I'm just tired of her trying to protect me. I don't need it anymore," I spoke as I smiled a little at him. "We got stuff to do," I spoke as I turned away to get out of bed and Paul grabbed my hips, pulling me back to the bed. He nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck as he kissed my shoulder. "Baby," he groaned. "Look I love you too but we-" "I love when you say that," Paul smiles wider at me, sitting up. I laughed as I sat up, standing. "I have to run a few errands today," I spoke as I went to my closet. "Like what?" He asked as I found some of my old witch clothes. I would volunteer at the ministry sometimes during fourth and fifth year to try to infiltrate. Most of it still fit. "I'm going back to England. I'll only be there for a few hours." I spoke. "For the battle. I need some things to prep for my rituals." He nodded with a shrug. "Sure, I'll come." "You have to understand," I spoke as I took off my tank top, my white sports bra catching Paul's attention. "Eyes up here," I snapped my fingers at him as I began to button the blouse. "It's not what it used to be. Some people are still rebuilding. Trust me when I say it's going to take a while before it's like it was again. Just don't piss anyone off," I spoke and took my pajama shorts off, pulling up the black skirt before slipping heels on. I handed Paul some of boys clothes. They were Fred's. It made me feel closer to him if I had some. Well, the ones I have Paul's weren't the originals. I simply made magical copies of Fred's clothes and gave them to Paul. It was a simple pants and shirt, but it'll help him blend in. They're not used to 6"5 tan people in Diagon Alley unless you're a giant. Hell, its Britain and Scotland. No ones used to anyone that's tan. I grabbed my wand, a bag that held galleons, and I walked to the bathroom. I grabbed my makeup. I styled my hair quickly and slapped on some lipstick. We walked into the kitchen to see Hermione, Ron and Harry eating apple pie. "Hey, Mere." Hermione smiled but her face fell when she saw me. "Not again." "We have to be prepared for this," I spoke knowingly and she nodded slowly and the guys stood. "You're taking Paul?" Harry asked as he finished his pie. "He wanted to see. Where did you guys get the pie?" I asked. "Esme," Ron spoke as his mouth was full of pie. I walked over, taking a plate myself. "Babe you want some?" I offered to Paul and he shook his head. I helped myself to the pie, scarfing it down. I didn't realize how hungry I was, I guess. We finished, and I kissed them all on the cheek. "Stay safe, you three. You three have a knack for trouble." I smirked at them as I grabbed my cloak, throwing it on before I grabbed a my bag. I opened my hand towards Paul and he took it. The apparition was usual, hellish and nerve-shattering, but it only lasted for thirty seconds as we landed in the entrance of Diagon Alley. It's changed a lot since I last saw it. No, it wasn't what it was before Voldemort and his followers ravaged it, but it was better. There was more colors, more happiness. Familiar faces began to draw in. Someone even called 'Long Live the Mother!' As we neared the familiar stores, I smiled. Fred and George's store, now George's store, stood tall. "Come on," I spoke and he quirked his brow. "I want to get something for Claire," I spoke. Claire was Emily's niece, and Quill's imprint. She was only a child, and I love seeing the wonder that makes children smile when they see magic. He nodded as he took my hand, following me inside. I hit the bell on the counter. A familiar girl with black hair and dark skin appeared. "Hi! Welcome to Weasl- Meredith?" My eyes widened. "Angelina!" I smiled and we hugged over the counter. "How've you been?" She asked and her eyes flickered to Paul. "Oh. Hi," "Angelina, this is my boyfriend Paul. He's a shifter." "Really," her eyes widened. She stuck her hand out. "Nice to meet you, Paul." She turned back to me. "George! Meredith's here!" She called up the stairs and a familiar ginger followed soon after. "Hello, you two!" He smiled widely. "What can I do for you two?" I pulled seven galleons out of my bag and set them on the counter. "Remember how I pranked Filch seventh year with the ForeverStixx?" ForeverStixx was something that the three of us concocted before they left. It was a type of glue that changed color. But I wanted to turn it into something the muggles have called Play Dough. The familiar Weasley smirk crossed his freckled face. "How could I forget, Mere?" "Can you get me a couple boxes?" I asked him. "With or without the ForeverStixx glue?" His brows quirked worriedly and I laughed. "Without. It's a present," I spoke and Angelina smiled as she took the money from the counter and rung it into the shiny metal cash register that was clad with beautiful carving and numerous levers. George climbed back up the stairs and returned quickly, four familiar boxes of ForeverStixx in his arms. "Ah, I remember these," I laughed. "Thank you," I spoke. "Come back soon." Angelina waved as we walked out. I smiled. Errand one was done. The easy one. Now... Now it was going to get harder.
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Hi guys!!! This was a fun chapter. Next, she's going to have to go to Knocturn Alley and she's going to see Narcissa and all that shit. She'll come back and I'm not sure what'll happen after that we'll get there eventually