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Paul offered to carry the black shopping bag as we made our way down the darkening streets.
We began the descent to Knockturn Alley, and I could tell without looking at the signs. This is where the people began to be come more untrustworthy and less pure. I could just feel it in my bones.
"This is where you stay quiet," I advised to Paul. He knew that I wasn't kidding. He needed to stay quiet to stay safe. Though Paul doesn't take orders, he knew that this was one that he wouldn't argue with. This was new territory for him. He was smart enough to listen to me if it kept him alive.
No one would mess with me. I was known to be a fiery son of a bitch. I've cursed people who've approached me with bad intentions before. I've worked up a reputation. Especially being the Mother. People don't fight me lest they ask for death. Sometimes I wasn't even kind enough to gift them that if they upset me enough.
I walked into Borgin and Burkes. It was a store for the dark oddities of wizardry. There was something poisonous on every shelf, something deadly in every corner. I kept my nose high and lips tights as the store clerk's eyes widened in fear when he saw me.
"H-Hello Miss Swan," he spoke, knowing me by name and I set my hand on the counter.
"I need two barrels of Sulfur." I spoke firmly as I set four galleons on the table. He nodded, quickly scurrying to get my materials.
He game back with the two small barrels of sulfur. I took them from him and we placed them in the bag we had from George's joke store. Why not take advantage, right?
We walked out and I was almost gone before I heard a voice.
Turning, I saw Narcissa Malfoy. Draco's Mum. I haven't seen her in a few months and that was quite alright with me. She was the nicest of the Malfoys. Her husband, Lucius, was a horrible person. I can't wait until his soul crosses to hell just like her son's.
"Narcissa." I addressed her coldly and turned away.
"Wait!" She called, pleadingly as she chased after me. "Have you seen him? He's been gone. I have no clue-"
"He tried to kill my imprint." I explained, lowly. "He's crazy. Ever since his father-"
Narcissa's face fell and she looked at me. "I tried to help him. I'm so sorry," I nodded and set my hand on her shoulder.
I knew Narcissa was a good person. She was kind to me when I would come over to visit Draco in the summers. She was just in the wrong situation. My eyes softened as a tear spilled over her eye. I'm not a mother but I can only imagine the pain she's in when she hears of the horrors that have bestowed her son. "I'll send him your way. I really will try."
She nodded graciously and I dropped my hand from her olive green tweed jacket. Paul followed me back out into the alley as the dark wizards began to hug the walls when they saw me coming.
"Hail the Mother." A most likely homeless dark wizard muttered and I nodded towards them in acknowledgement. Paul was totally silent, taking in the whole atmosphere. I didn't expect him to fair so well in this toxic atmosphere.
There was a final shop we had to go to. I had the Sulfur and I had the ForeverStixx. This last ingredient... I wasn't too proud of.
AppleCorner used to be a store at the edge of Knockturn Alley connecting that with Diagon Alley. It was a candy store for children when it opened. Even when I was there as a first year it had been only during the night hours when it was dark. As the Dark Lord rose higher and higher, it became more and more dangerous for children to hang around.
Now... it's not a place I'd ever let my children hang around.
I pushed the creaky, peeling door open. The hushed murmurs of con artists and murderers fell silent as my heel-clad feet clacked in.
I cleared my throat, my voice strong and authoritative. "I'm looking for three feet of hangman's rope. Whoever can give it to me for the loser price gets five extra galleons."
AppleCorner had turned into a market, of sort. A dark, black market for the not so pretty things.
Paul seemed shocked at my demanding voice. We made eye contact and our eyes both softened a little. He knew I hated this but that it had to be done. He understood.
I came to an agreement with one of the sellers. I gave him fourteen galleons: nine for the rope and the five extra I offered as leverage.
When we walked out, I looked at Paul.
"I'm sorry you had to see that," I spoke and he shrugged.
"As long as you're alright."
"I'll live," I smiled weakly as I grabbed his hand, our lives twisting and turning before landing on the doorsteps of normalcy.

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