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Bella's wedding approached soon after. Paul and I were back to normal. He was coming to the wedding, just for me, but had to leave half way through because he had patrol. Everyone was busier than they already were since Jacob skipped town. I felt bad for the guy... but Bella's unhappiness is bad luck for weddings.
I told Paul what happened with the candles and he was surprisingly alright with it. Im glad he wasn't one of those guys that would have been freaked out by me crying over my dead ex boyfriend. I'm relieved, really. Paul understand how hurt I was by all of it.
But that's not what I was worried about, not today.
Today is the first day that I would see my mom in almost two years. That's... bloody Christ that's scary. I mean it's not like I did anything wrong. She thought I was backpacking, which was never really a total lie. Only Dad knew what was really going on.
Hermione and Ron rushed to get ready and go to the Cullen house where they would help the wolves and vampires not murder each other. They were the mediators, whereas Paul was to meet me about fifteen minutes after Harry and I would finish getting ready since we only have two bathrooms and it wouldn't work with four people, especially two girls, rushing to get ready.
I finished getting ready, slowly but surely, and Harry answered the door. Paul looked damn nice in a suit, I wasn't going to lie. I smirked at him and his jaw dropped when he saw me. Not a lot of people have ever seen me like this. The only times  I've ever dressed up like this was Phil and Mom's wedding, and the Yule ball. I laughed as I grabbed my car keys from the hanger on the door before the three of us walked to my car.
As weird as it was, my car was the sexiest. Quill and Embry had to explain to me how cars could be sexy. (I guess being away in magical-age Europe had removed me from the finer things of life.)
I had bought the car when I came back but had never really used it, due to the more loved Nirvana skateboard I had. But I guess showing up to a wedding on a scuffed board isn't very proper.
The car was a red Audi and was sleek and beautiful. I wasn't going to lie. It was a piece of art.
The drive there was easy. I was happy at how smooth this car was. I couldn't say the same about my anxiety though. Every nerve in my being was on edge like a loaded gun. I could go off at any minute. Being around so many people might be a bad idea. But now way in hell am I missing my sister's wedding. That's a joke.
"Harry, are you ready for your first muggle wedding?" I inquired with a smirk over the driver's seat and he smiled. I think he missed Ginny because when I said 'wedding' his smile twitches a little. I really think they're a beautiful couple
"Will there be alcohol?" He wondered aloud and I laughed as Paul snorted with laughter.
"Knowing Emmett, yes. They'll have talked them into alcohol. Even if they can't drink it,"
We reached the house and I parked the car on the side street. We were still some of the first people here since there was about two hours before the ceremony and everything following started.
Harry led the way and I took Paul's arm as we walked side by side, discussing a muggle tele show called Modern Family.
"You look beautiful," he whispered in my ear with a smirk and I blushed.
"I love you," I spoke to him, my face now as red as my dress.
He kissed my temple. "I love you too."
We walked inside and I smiled widely as Paul went off with Harry to find Ron as Hermione and I met up and walked up the stairs, looking for Bella and the others.
Hermione looked stunning. She had a royal blue dress on that made her beautiful eyes pop out. She had low white wedges on and carried a small black clutch. She looked quite beautiful. Her hair and makeup framed her face beautifully. She was a style icon, I guess. (Alice taught me that. I probably didn't use it correctly.)
"In here," Alice spoke as she poked her head out from inside a room upstairs and seeing us. We quickened our pace, as much as we could in heels, and I saw Bella with her hair and makeup done.
"You look beautiful!" I smiled and Hermione laughed at my shock. Bella wore less makeup than I did and there was days I didn't even put chapstick on.
"In here," she called and I turned to see my Mom. I haven't seen my mom in a long time. She looked mostly the same, a few more laughter lines on her eyes, a bit more of a wrinkle in her forehead. Happy aging.
"Meredith," she spoke in shock, happy tears filling her eyes. "Oh my god." I guess she didn't think I'd be here.
"Hi Mum,"
"Oh my god your accent!" She took me into a tight hug with a watery laugh
"I love you," I hugged her back and she eventually did release me.
"I love you too, Mere." She looked at Bella and gasped. "My beautiful girl! Both my girls!"
I walked to dad who stood at the door and greeted him.
"Hi honey," he spoke as he blinked his tears back. His oldest daughter was getting married. He must be emotional. "You look nice."
"Thanks Dad," a small smile had appeared on my face. So far, this day was perfect.
No more crazy vamps... it made me happy. Hell it was normal. Something I was so desperately grasping for right now.
"I just had a nice conversation with Paul," he spoke with a smirk. What was up with him?
I quirked my brow and set a hand on my hip. "Oh? How'd it go?"
"I like that boy a lot better than I did before," he smirked and I laughed a little but it made my stomach churn. What were they talking about? Me?
We were eventually shooed from the room by Rosalie and Alice to change Bella into the beautiful gown.
I found Paul talking with Sue, Billy and Seth in the back by the garden.
"Hi everyone," I smiled as I greeted them.
"Hi, honey," Sue smiled back. "How've you been?"
"I've been well, thank you." I looked down at Billy. "I'm sorry I haven't come down much. I've been so busy-"
"Paul filled us in." Seth gave a reassuring smile. At least they know I didn't skip out on them.
"We're very proud of you," Billy spoke sincerely and I smiled. We began a short conversation about Paul and I until Rosalie came to get me, telling me it was time to line up. I kissed Paul a goodbye as he took a seat, and I followed Edward up to the stands where Angela's father, Pastor Webber, would direct the ceremony. The music began, the cello and violin beautifully harmonizing and I smiled at Edward. I could tell he was nervous even though he had this in the bag. He wouldn't screw this up.
'You're fine,' I thought. I knew he could hear me. 'If she wasn't completely head over heels with you, she would have left already.'
He gave me a look that caused me to laugh a little and Bella and Dad took their journey down the aisle.
She almost tripped, I could see that, but she lived. She didn't face-plant. I made eye contact with Hermione, Harry and Ron who were all smiling widely at my sister and father.
Then, I made eye contact with Paul, after smiling at my best friends.
'I love you' he mouthed and I smiled back. 'I love you too', I mouthed back as Edward and Bella kissed.
I cleared my through when it got a little awkward due to the length of the kiss but eventually, they pulled away and everyone cheered. Mr and Mrs Cullen. She finally did it. She fell in love.

Hi!!!!This was a longer chapter cause gotta love them

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This was a longer chapter cause gotta love them. I'm gunna throw in a twist with Paul soon and some other familiar faces are going to come to play😏😏.
You're welcome.
Comment! I love reading them. They make me happy.

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