Bella Swan has a sister. The reason you haven't heard of her before, is because she's been fighting with The Chosen One, The King, and The Brightest Witch of Her Age. Meredith Swan, is The Warrior.
But now, Voldemort has been defeated, and the whol...
Calculus was a disaster. Merlin was that a horrible... I hate it. I called Paul as soon as I got out. 'Got out' was putting it lightly. Alice helped slow Malfoy down as I basically ran out of the room at full speed. Malfoy was suffocating lay close to me no matter where he was. But of course, when I called Paul, I got his voicemail. "Hey, this is Paul. Leave a message. I'm probably not going to call you back, but leave a message." BEEP. You have to be fucking shitting me right now. "Paul, it's Mere. He's here. He transferred. Help. I don't know how to get away from him he's following me. He got put in all my classes." Damnit, Paul. I get the pack comes first since he's probably on patrol but I need him. This is one of the few times when I think I should come first. They're not his soulmates. I am. What the hell am I supposed to do? I found Hermione quickly in the hallways. Where we would normally smile and wave at each other, since we see each other fourth period in AP English, I grabbed her arm and pulled her into one of the crevices of the ugly and peeling blue steel lockers. My breaths came out as hushed tones, since I was still panting from my sprint from across the school. "Hermione he's here. Draco. He's here. He was in Calculus with Alice and I." Her brows furrowed in confusion. She didn't understand what I was saying. "Wait, what-" "Hello, Mudblood," we heard a chillingly familiar voice from behind us and we both looked to see Draco standing there. It was odd to see him in muggle clothes. He was wearing jeans, a fitted blue tee shirt, and a leather jacket. He probably stole these. He didn't know what stores to find any of this. If he was crazy enough to stalk me and find me, he was crazy enough to steal someone's clothes. It was making me uncomfortable at how well he fit in as the douche British kid, a normal human being when in reality all he did was ruin lives. He was a psycho. When we were dating, he would get possessive. Even if he acted like he didn't love me, I knew a part of him must have because he was possessive. He wasn't abusive, but I think it would have gotten there had he not blew it. I looked at Malfoy with fear. "M-Malfoy what are you doing here?" "Fighting for what's mine." "I'm not yours." "Not yet," he spoke with an evil smile and I backhanded him across the cheek. "You're psychotic." He grabbed my arm and I hissed with pain at how strong his grip was. This would bruise... Paul was gonna be fucking pissed. Students were beginning to gather around us as they saw this unique scene unfold. I strained against his grip as I tried to pull my arm away. "Let me go." "Malfoy." There was a pause. Everyone, to say the least, was shocked. My shapeshifter boyfriend stood in the hallway, shaking with anger at the sight of another man's hands on me. "Get the hell away from her." SMACK. A pale, fisted hand flew into Paul's face and I saw that Malfoy had punched him square in the jaw. "STOP IT!" I screamed and pushed Draco in the chest. My short stature didn't do much but hell I could try. Draco pushed me to the ground and Hermione caught my head before it could hit the ground. "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT-" the kids chanted until a loud voice chimed in. "WHAT." Everyone froze. "Is going on here?" Fuck. The principle. Principle Morris was a stout, bald man, who was single for a reason. His voice was so annoying and nasally that a deaf person would hate him. "Principal Morris, I-" "Malfoy. To my office." He spoke and Paul stood. "Do you go to my school?" "No, Sir." "Then get the hell out of my school." He turned and marched Malfoy to his office and I look at Paul. I took him into a hug as a tear slipped through he kissed my forehead. "Are you okay?" I asked him as I looked up at his face. "He probably broke his wrist punching me." He looked at the people who were watching us. "Can I help you?" They all quickly dispersed. Paul could be quite scary. Hermione, Paul and I were left in the hallway. "I'm going to go to class and tell the others," Hermione spoke. "Get her out of here. She needs to stay away from him. He's crazy." Paul nodded before he laced our fingers. "Will do."
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Hi guys!!! I want to once again, thank my very special reader for giving me this idea! I'm totally building off it. I really appreciate all the support I'm getting. You guys rock! Let me know what you think. Give me songs or ideas, and I'll do my best to work them in! This is a fan fiction, guys. It's made to be insane! -Clary