Bella Swan has a sister. The reason you haven't heard of her before, is because she's been fighting with The Chosen One, The King, and The Brightest Witch of Her Age. Meredith Swan, is The Warrior.
But now, Voldemort has been defeated, and the whol...
I let out a yawn. Why the hell was I here? It's midnight. The last thing I wanted to do was be in the wet and sticky woods. I love the woods. Trust me. I'm Mother Nature. But there's times where even I enjoy my warm bed. Edward had said something that I didn't catch. "Thank you for coming." Carlisle addressed the growing populous of wolves in the distance. I found Paul quickly, and gave him a small smirk. His tongue flopped out to the side in return, a signature Lahote grin crossing his face. After a few minutes of wisdom bullshit from Jasper, we began fighting. It took me a few minutes to convince everyone that the wizards fight. Hermione was actually kind of excited to fight. "Bring it on!" Her British coo cheered as Emmett stood across from her. She wasn't going to kill him. She would simply freeze him and leave him, since we were the only ones who could unfreeze them. It worked quite well since it solidified our usefulness. It was my turn. I went up against Carlisle, someone who knew my power. When Paul saw me moving towards the ring, he let out a bark of sorts. I gave him an 'I got this' look. He didn't seem please that I was doing this, but he knew it needed to be done. I cracked my neck as power ran through my fingers. I closed my fists, drawing energy from the trees around me, and opened them to see that fire had collected in my palms. Everyone had gasped, except the wizards of course. They knew I could fight. They weren't alien to my power. I felt my eyes turn black. "You ready, old man?" I joked and Carlisle let out a laugh. "Yes, Meredith. I am." I rushed at him. I could go quite fast. I wasn't vampirically fast, but I sure as hell wasn't Neville when he ran. I lit the grass up next to him. I knew that fire could kill vampires so I was careful when I was near the Cullens. Eventually, as Carlisle got close, I simply would push him back. I managed to pin him down and smile at him. "Hi." "Nice job," he spoke as I helped him up. That went quite well. Though Bella is definitely the clumsier twin, I still had some klutz in me. At least I survived that part. "Meredith won't be fighting in the main area," Edward spoke, addressing the wolves. "She'll be about two hundred feet to the west. She has rituals that she will be performing. But Hermione, Ron and Harry will be fighting ground work with us." I nodded and stepped forward. "I'm currently making something that will definitely help all of you. I will just simply ask that you avoid eating right before the battle. This potion is only made to stay within your system for a few hours. Eating food will only keep it in your system longer and it's not a chance we should take." I turned to Edward with a nod before back to the wolves. "Edward is correct. I will be helping much more from the outside than I would be fighting side by side. I can mess with their heads and make them kill each other. I really can." "Will the potion hurt us?" Edward translated for the wolf. "Initially, you'll feel a little uneasy. Five, ten minutes at most. All I'm doing is strengthening your reflexes. You'll feel a little hyper which will help you during the fight. After, you will all feel a little run down but that's just your body shifting." I crossed my arms and finished the basic explanation. "The potion last for about six hours. It would last twenty four but with your advanced metabolism, it's safe to say it'll last less than half the normal duration." All the wolves seemed satisfied with my answer. ----- Rosalie and I were talking and walking back to the house when I heard Bella's voice. "Mere?" She interrupted. "Can I talk to you?" Rosalie didn't like Bella much. Anyone could see that. "Rose I'll meet you at the house." She nodded, not happy with Bella but knowing that we needed to talk. "What?" I asked her. I was still a little angry with her. She treated me like a child. She had no clue what I've been through. "I'm sorry," she mumbled and I looked at her. Bella may be quite, but hell shes more stubborn than I am. She never just comes out and says 'I'm sorry'. "What?" I asked. I was seriously a little shocked. "Edward found out about the things you've experienced. I thought you just went to school. I didn't know about..." she trailed off. She didn't want to talk about the torture I went through. The horrible things my body and the others' body had to attest to on the daily to save our world. "I'm sorry. I won't treat you like that anymore." She even hugged me. Wow. Bella doesn't hug anyone. I hugged her back, knowing this was definitely not going to happen again any time soon. "It's alright, Bella. You don't know the half of it."
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