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I was dancing with Bella, Hermione, Jessica and Angela when Jacob, Quill and Embry walked in. It was the Cullen's graduation party, and everyone was just excited to see the foreboding Cullen House.
A teen pop band was blaring through the speakers that had been placed strategically around the house in every room.
Smiling at them and waving, it caused them to do the same thing before their faces hardened once again at my sister.
"Bella," Jacob spoke stiffly. I heard about her punching him after he kissed her. I thought everyone was overreacting. They acted like he kidnapped her.
I felt kind of bad for Jacob. He was in love with my sister and he couldn't have her. That's how I felt with Draco when we first broke up. After he left me, simply days after, he was bouncing around from one whore to another, proving to me I was nothing to him. It was one of the worst feelings I've ever felt in my whole life. Although, it didn't beat that time when Voldemort tried to kill me, and had Bellatrix throw bewitched daggers at me from twenty feet like target practice, since they knew I wouldn't die. Draco watched the whole thing. At the Malfoy Manor, I had been almost crucified as the crazed followers of the evil god had shot daggers towards my heart.
"Bella," I was pulled from my thoughts and I heard and saw Alice. Jessica and Angela had kind of wandered off at this point, and Hermione and I struggled to hear what was happening over the music but we eventually were pulled into a room.
The door was shut, keeping most of the obnoxious music out of the room. The vampires, the wolves that were here, and Hermione, Harry, Ronald and myself were all staring at each other. The room was crowded, the supernatural population heavily outnumbering the one human at the center. The air was heavy with breath and curses.
"We're not going to Seattle," Alice whispered. Had I not been used to the whispers under doors of silent rooms, I wouldn't have heard her. This tiny girl brought the whole room to a silence that was quieter than what it was before.
"Why would we to to Seattle?" I asked, breaking the contagious silence and looked at all of them.
"What's going on?" Harry inquired, picking up on my own hesitations and gestured towards the vampires. We all knew he was asking Carlisle specifically. Carlisle was the ringleader of the whole circus. If anyone knew he did.
"A Vampire who is hunting Bella." Edward spoke. "Creating an army. I killed her mate to save Bella's life. She want revenge."
"What?" Ronald gasped and I felt my blood boil with not only the anger for someone trying to kill my sister, but that I've been home for almost two month and she never thought to mention this. "You didn't think to tell us this before?"
"We didn't want to scar-" Bella began but I cut her off.
"I killed a war lord. I'm Mother Nature, Bella. You don't get to hide this shit from me." I fumed. "I am the gateway of life and death!"
Alice bit her lip. She had just broken from another vision as she looked at us. "They're coming here."
The group erupted in a panic. The wolves looking for a fight, the vamps in murmur and us in worried gasps and stolen glances.
"Hold up," Jacob said. "What damn army?"
"Newborns. Our kind." Carlisle said. "Jasper has experience in these things. He'll help us train." The newly bitten. The ones who still have a little humanity left but the ones who give into the psychotic blood lust.
I took a look at my three best friends. They nodded at me and at each other.
"The wolves will fight," Jacob said and I nodded.
"We will as well."
"No," Bella said. "You'll get hurt."
"This is what you want, Bella," Jacob said. "Us working together."
She turned to me, hoping I'd be the voice of reason.
"I've seen horrors you can't imagine. We can handle this. I'm not a kid."
I turned to walk out of the room when she grabbed my arm. "You guys are only eighteen-"
"Who the hell you think you are?" I growled. "Leading a boy on while you're dating his enemy? How dare you! At least I know what the hell I want," I spoke as she released my hand. "I single handedly helped stop the Apocalypse. You don't get to tell me what's dangerous. You're a defenseless human. At least we have power."
I looked at a shocked Edward and a proud Rosalie before my eyes flickered back to Bella. "Besides. You're the one they're after, right?"
With that, I stepped out of the room with my three friends and the wolves following.
I pushed through the thronged masses of high school graduates in my fitted dress and made my way towards the door and outside.
Once I got away from the others, I conjured up cigarette.
I'm not addicted, in fact, I wish I was. At least that's something constant in my life. But I had an impermeable blood. The nicotine from the devil sticks wasn't strong enough to make its way into my system like it would with a normal human. The release of smoke from my lungs made me feel in control of my emotions when I wasn't in control of anything else.
"Meredith?" I heard a concerned voice call and I turned and saw Jacob.
"What?" I inquired, my temper almost boiling over as I brushed my nose with my thumb.
"Are you okay?" He asked and I shook my head before stomping out my cigarette.
"Do I look okay Jacob?" I snapped at him and frowned at his slightly hurt face. "I'm sorry Jake. I'm just upset."
He nodded and looked at me. "Do you want me to take you home?"
"No," I shrugged. "I'm okay. I'll be okay," I forced a small smile on my face. He nodded slowly, then began to walk away.

Another chapter!
Comment!! I love comments!
Next couple chapters will be some prep. Next chapter will be Paul love fest and maybe the midnight fight club for the battle. Maybe some Bella makeup shit.
Peace out mijas

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