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After Paul and I got back to normal, we all fell into routine. Bella and Edward were still on their honeymoon, Ginny and the others came over more often, especially on the weekends when Luna and Neville could make it. McGonnigal stopped by once and a while to make sure we haven't all killed each other and to inform me that everything was going as planned. The school was back to its hulking stature and the new students were already flooding the corridors like when we were in school.
The wolves and the vamps were even on speaking terms. It wasn't like how the wizards were to everyone, but they can be cordial to each other. I think Paul mostly did it for me, if I was to be honest. I love him so much. I have no idea what I did to deserve him. He places me above everything and I would feel horrible if I was the cause for that to change.
But that happy little reverie I had was ruined as Alice called me, on an off Saturday morning.
"Hey, Mere. I need you to come over. Bring the others."
From her voice I could tell something was wrong. Vampires don't have shaky voices or cracking words. I could tell that she had a major bomb to drop. "Alice?"
"Just the witches." She added before she hung up. That meant she didn't want Paul there, but Paul was on patrol anyways so it's okay. I didn't have to lie to him.
"I'll be over." I spoke.
Worry had begun to fill me about the safety of my loved ones as I clipped down the stairs from my room towards the kitchen.
It was Saturday, and Hermione was working with Ron and Harry to make our customary Sunday dinner. We're becoming such muggles. It was frightening sometimes.
It was for the witches and wizards and our counterparts. So basically, it was all witches and wizards, and Paul. We use it to talk of business. It's kind of like a new Order of the Phoenix. We've talked about everything from Voldemort to Hogwarts to George's joke store. It was a big family dinner, kind of. Just not the Italian kind.
I poked my head into the kitchen as I grabbed my hoodie from the bewitched coat rack that held an infinite number of jackets.
"Guys, Alice needs me. I'll be back in a few hours to help for tomorrow and I'll pick up milk on the way back."
I was met with a chorus of goodbyes of my childhood best friends before I apparated over to the forever picturesque Cullen house.
Standing on the porch after having my body pieced back together, I felt something unsettling. It was my Mother Nature instincts, I think. There was a heartbeat. Not a normal heartbeat. Not a human nor a wolf, definitely not a vampire. This heartbeat was slower, fainter, but it was definitely there. There so many possibilities as to what it was I don't know what to expect.
Edward opened the door. He could tell by my stricken face that I knew something was wrong. "Meredith..."
My voice was soft but I knew damn well he could hear me. "Where's my sister?"
He pointed to the living room. I wasn't wasting time, not today. I apparated to the living room, using my power to my advantage.
I saw Rosalie, Alice, Esme, Carlisle, and now Edward standing in front of her.
"Does someone want to tell me what the hell is going on?"
"Come on, Bella," Rosalie helped Bella stand up. The heartbeat only got louder and I understood why.
"Is that what I think it is?" I inquired as I looked from Bella to Edward. "How the hell did this happen?"
"I'm not sure," Edward spoke and I felt my face getting red.
"Well you better figure out how,"
"Mere," Rose spoke calmly. "I know you're upset-"
"Edward isn't supposed to be able to procreate."
Edward's face contorted. "You think I don't know this?"
"Don't get pissy with me, Loverboy. You may be older than me but I can strike you down where you stand."
I don't bring my power into it often. But when I see my sister pregnant with god knows what, and I don't get the answers I want, I will get angry.
"Meredith. Relax." Bella said and looked at me. "I want it."
"Bella..." I trailed. "Even in utero I can tell..."
"I've tried," Edward said, looking at me. "She's just as stubborn as you."
"Mere, you're Mother Nature you can fix it!" Bella spoke and she turned to Carlisle. "They can change me. It's okay."
I cleared my throat, looking at Edward and Alice. 'Follow me',
Turning, I walked down the stairs and soon after I got to the back deck, Alice and Edward looked at me as tears filled my eyes.
"How long do we go before we tell Bella that I can't help her?"
"You can't help her?" Edward frowned, and I could tell he was getting angry. "You're Mother Nature! You can help!"
"No, Edward! Not this time!" I yelled. "There's some things I can't do. This is one of them."
"Then what the hell are you good for?" Edward screamed in my face and Alice got in between us.
"That's enough. Stop it." She frowned, mostly at Edward.
I took a few steps back, towards the woods. "I'll do what I can."
Edward looked devastated. "Mere, I'm so-"
"Fuck you, Edward."

This chapter made me low level triggered.
But it was a good one. I loved it, really. It was pretty good in my opinion.
Let me know what y'all think! Comment below!

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