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I was covered in paint when I woke up, but then again, we all were.
Well 'we' meaning Paul and I. The others all left, and Paul offered to stay with me to help do some more work.
So we eventually fell asleep at about three in the morning, after we had a paint war which began after I had slapped a paint covered handprint on his blue tee shirt.
We laid on one of the old paint tarps after that, talking more and just... getting closer.
I missed him more than I ever imagined I did. He was my best friend and hell I think I've grown to love him. Just not as a brother.
There was a knock on the door and I stood without waking Paul up.
I walked to the door, expecting it to be Hermione or Bella or one of the others but when I opened it...
"Draco?" I frowned. "What are you doing here?"
"Meredith you have to understand."
My brow quirked at him. "What do I have to understand, Malfoy?" I growled. He silently winced and frowned at my use of his last name. I was one of the few people who ever liked him enough to use his first name.
"Mere?" I heard.
Oh no. Paul.
He waddled up behind me, his arms wrapping from around my waist.
"Who's this?" Draco asked.
"I'm Paul. Meredith's boyfriend. Who're you?"
"Paul is my imprint," I spoke to Draco. "See? It'd never have worked."
"I'll make it work." Draco retorted quickly.
"Is there a problem here?" Paul inquired as he unwrapped himself for me, managing to push me behind him.
"Yes, actually. You've taken something that's mine."
Paul began to shake and turn a little red. Bella and Jacob had explained to me what that meant.
"Paul. Stop," I set my hand on his shoulder. "Let me handle this," I begged and he kissed me. It wasn't a simple kiss either. It was... it was to send a message to Malfoy.
He walked back towards the kitchen. "Draco," I spoke sympathetically. "You'll find someone. It's just not me."
After ten seconds of no response from Malfoy other than a blank stare, I closed the door and sent a text to Hermione through the muggle phone.
"I swear I'll kill him," Paul growled.
"Well I chose you, didn't I?" I inquired. "You're my fucking imprint, Paul. I know you are. I know the legends. I know everything."
He looked shocked but took me into a hug and kissed me.
The wizards, Bella, Edward, Alice and Jasper apparated into the living room maybe three minutes later.
"The blonde stalker tried to pick a fight," Paul spoke and shook his head. "I'm gunna make some coffee."
I frowned. I know he wasn't mad at me but... I feel partially responsible. Had I not let myself fall-
"It's not your fault," Edward spoke. Fuck. I forgot he could read minds. Asshole.
He smirked a little and I did too before I ran a painted hand through my hair.
"Well, what do we do now?"
The rest of the weekend went through without any interference from Draco.
By the Sunday night, we were all moved in. Paul had been spending a lot more time on patrols and wouldn't tell me why, but I knew that the pack always came first, even over an imprint.
He would never fail to leave me notes in my room. My favorite one, from this morning actually, said 'You're beautiful, baby. You just have to show the world that.'
I really liked how my room turned out. It was painted a warm coffee color with little tea lights lining the walls and ceiling. My hundreds of books had been placed on wall-length shelves and my instruments had been moved.
Yeah I played a lot of instruments as a kid. I play guitar, cello and piano. My keyboard had been moved to the empty wall, my guitars were mounted to the wall by holding clips which I could easily move on and off to play, and my cello had it's own stand in the corner right next to my keyboard, with all of my music sitting in stacks inside the bench.
Changing, I walked into the kitchen to see Hermione smiling at me. The kitchen was also very pretty. They finally figured out that I had a knack for interior design. It was painted a honey yellow and had emerald green trim and accents. It actually contrasted quite beautifully.
"Hey. Good you're awake. It's time to go."
"Last full week of high school. I'm so excited!" I smiled as I grabbed my board, which had been stashed in a special compartment by the door.
The boys and Hermione all piled into Bella's car after she honked, alerting that she was here.
I plugged in the music ear piece things into my muggle phone and I selected Love Like This by Kodaline.
School, like all the other days, was reached quickly.
But I didn't realize a problem until I walked into first period, which I shared with Alice.
We took our seats next to each other and the teacher cleared his throat.
"Well, it seems like you British students are pouring in," our Calculus teacher, Mr Banbrun joked. "This is Draco Malfoy. Apparently this is what they name their children where he comes from."
I froze and Alice did too.
My eyes snapped up to meet the cold ones that had been dipped in silver-played psychopathy.
"Hello, love." He smirked to me.
The teacher's eyes widened. "You two know each other?"
I gulped and Malfoy just laughed. "Oh. Yes, we do."

This is Meredith's outfit for school

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This is Meredith's outfit for school. The key is the key to her new house!
I want to thank my first commenter for this idea! I was going to have things with Malfoy and Paul unfold eventually, but this person really helped me push this forward! I can help blend this in with the newborn war and Victoria!!
You guys are awesome.

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