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"Meredith, it's Paul," I heard from the other side of my door. I had been laid up in bed, looking horrible like I was dying. Hair was sticking out from every which way, and my breath was horrid.
About five days after Paul had... done what he did, I had contracted a mysterious illness. It was nothing quite like I had felt before and it felt like my insides had been liquified after being put through a blender. I've been to Hell and back, literally, and this was something I've never felt before.
"Go away," I frowned. How did he even get in here? Hermione told me she put a charm up that kept him out. At least, she told me she did.
"No," he retorted and I noticed his voice cracked. He was a stubborn boy when he wants to be. But was he sick too? I thought shape shifters didn't get sick. He was a constant one-o'-six with his superhuman abilities.
I sighed, and sat up from my bed, my body completely rejecting the ideas. "Paul, what the hell happened?" Staring at the door, I could feel his waning energy seep through the cracks and crevices.
He sighed. "It's not what it looked like. I swear."
I wanted to believe him. I really did. "How can I believe that?"
He seemed quick to answer. "Hermione took my memories and watched them. She saw everything that happened."
I can't fool Hermione and I've known her for years. How could Paul get close to fooling her?
I frowned. That sounds like her. I would feel horrible if this was just an overreaction on my part. This wouldn't be the first time something stupid like this happened. "Where's Hermione?"
His body caused the door to creak as he leaned against it from the other side. "She fell asleep making a potion to make you heathy again."
I felt even more horrible. Everyone had rushed to figure out what was wrong with me. They knew if I died before I was supposed to, at a ripe old age in the nineties, the world would be in shambles. There would be war, natural disasters... anything horrible. No one would be there to keep the balance so no one would be there to stop the bad. I hated that everyone had to be inconvenienced because of me.
Hermione was flustered every time I had coughed or vomited. She felt guilty the she couldn't help me and I hated that.
"Meredith, I know why you're sick. I'm sick." He explained, confirming my suspicions.
"Why, Paul?" I inquired. I had gotten aggravated at this point. Unless he had a real reason then I didn't want to see him.
"Open the door," he spoke and I frowned even more.
I was too sick to fight with him. I couldn't do this. I laid back down, my hand motioning towards the door and it flew open. I wasn't going to get out of bed for him. He wasn't worth it.
Paul didn't walk in. He crawled. "Oh thank god,"
He made his way to my bed. He pulled himself onto it, sitting at the foot of my bed. "Meredith I'm... I'm so sorry."
"I want you to explain to me what happened."
"I was lon-"
"Say lonely and I'll kill you," I frowned as I fixed my loose ponytail that was falling from my head.
"Fine," he spoke and I propped myself on my elbows, staring down my nose at him.
"Jacob had gone missing again and I was upset. The girl you saw me with was her sister. She and I did date in high school. The only reason she came back was because Billy told her about Jacob's disappearance."
"So she just shows up on your lap?"
"Because I gave her the sleeping pills her dad told me to, and they wiped her memory because she saw Quill shift."
There wasn't anger in Paul's voice. No it was something even worse. It was desperation.
Paul can't lie. After knowing him for most of my life, I can tell with confidence he wouldn't lie.
I felt horrible. I doubted my imprint, my soulmate. Paul explained to me why I was feeling sick.
"When imprints are away from each other... our bodies start to betray us. We literally can't live without each other after we're bonded."
Wow. This whole imprint thing was a lot stronger than I expected to be. I'm not sure why I was still angry with him then.
I opened my mouth, my eyes filling with tears. "Don't say anything," he spoke as he moved next to me, his hand across my stomach, his warm temperature soothing me.
His face was next to mine, our noses almost touching as I breathed, "lay with me."

Hey everyone!
This one's shorter. I'm sorry. I have two games a week now for my team and I'm really trying!! You know I love comments so comment comment comment!!

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