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After I finished crying, which took much longer than I thought it would, I set Snape's black candle on the ground. There was some already dried wax from Draco's candle that had surrounded it and cracked when I set the new candle down atop it.
My hands were shaking as I lit it, the small flame coming from the tip of my finger and almost nearly setting my hair on fire rather than the candle wick.
I stood slowly, and the flame on the candle began to waver a little as the room's energy tightened. I knew what was to come next
Yet again there before me, was someone from my past. I had sworn off these people after seeing their dead bodies. Harry and I were raised for slaughter. The odds were against us in every way yet here we are, alive.
"Miss Swan," Severus spoke, surprised. He didn't know I could do this. He knew I was powerful but... he knew this was next level.
"Hello, Professor," I spoke with a small smile.
"How did you call me back?" He inquired. I think for once in his life, he was actually confused. A part of me wanted to believe Snape was happy that he was called back but I'm not so sure.
"Magic's a funny thing," I answered cryptically. "I discovered some things about my powers when I was in the woods, trying to escape Him."
"You're the prophecy," Snape was utterly shocked. He had no clue that it was me. He had had his suspicions that the reincarnate would be Hermione but...
"Yes. I'm Mother Nature."
"You're aware that we all thought it was Miss Granger," he explains and I nodded.
"I know,"
"Why have you called me here, Meredith?" I was a little shocked. This was one of the first times he's ever called me Meredith instead of 'Swan'.
"Because I need help being okay." I responded, flatly. "I know there's times when you hated me. I understand that. But..."
He walked up to me and his usually cold and stark voice was surprisingly soft. "I never hated you. You have remarkable talent." There was a pause. "I know why you've summoned me. I've kept an eye out for you."
"Why?" I inquired as I crossed my arms. "I'm not in the mood to be mocked about my horrible life choices because we all know my choices are terrible."
He wasn't happy with my attitude. I didn't mean to be pissy with him but give me a break. "No one cares about your life choices, Meredith. Those are your decisions even when you're insufferably stupid."
That's the Snape I know.
"That's reassuring." He chose to disregard my snap.
"I watched you because you're a child. A powerful and wise child but a child none the less. You're Mother Nature. You see death and you run the other direction even when you're Death yourself."
"You know I tried to pull you back." I frowned. "You know."
His frown reflected mine. "Trying and doing are two different things."
"Thank you, Yoda." I frowned harder, sarcastically.
"You're being stubborn," Snape chastised and my eyes flickered to the candle. I was stupid enough to forget he was dead. It would be the worst thing if we got into an actual conversation only to have the last licks of candle wax drip to my already ruined floor.
Half way out.
Fuck my life...
I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "Professor... I need help."
"Finally you admit it," he crossed his cloaked arms with satisfaction at my defeat and my right eye twitched a little from stress.
"How do I deal with seeing all this death yet being the cause of it? I mean I can stop it but..." Did I really just get this deep with a professor who hated me?
"No you can't." Severus spoke, pulling me from my reverie. "There's not many things you can't do, but you cannot stop death, Meredith. Especially the ones who were out to harm you."
I nodded, understanding. He was right, per usual, but... that doesn't mean I had to like it.
"Very few live forever, Meredith. You're one of the few that are cursed with it. You'll forever have the memories of past lovers, family..."
"Does dying hurt?" I asked him without thinking. I immediately regretted it when I did ask, though. I could see not only the shock yet sadness fall upon his face. I guess being dead isn't that fun. "Sir, I'm sorry I-" I cut myself off.
We both simultaneously looked at the candle then back at each other. We had thirty seconds, a minute at most. There was only a half an inch left. These candles were very weak. We need to get some better wax in these.
He let out a sigh and looked at me with warmth. I mean maybe it's because he's dead. Maybe he's nicer now. I'm not sure. But I know I was supposed to treasure what happened because that was some of the realist and most honest advice I've ever received, from someone dead or alive.
"There isn't pain in dying, Swan. It's the things you didn't do that hurt."
I made eye contact and I could that see from the bottom of my eyes, that Snape was fading.
"You're powerful, Meredith. Seize it."
And with that... Severus Snape was at peace.

Yooo so like what's up????
Two chapters in a day, go me. I might be able to do 3.....

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