Chapter 13

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It's been at least 3 hours since Matt left the house and he still hasn't arrived. He's probably with Chelsea doing God knows what. I turn off the TV, and grab my stuff and go back to my room. It's 8 o clock now and I have to get enough rest to go back to school tomorrow. I can't miss another day. I brush my teeth, and get back into bed. I check my phone and I reply back to the text Nathan sent me like 4 hours ago.

Me: Sorry I wasn't at school today, I got sick from the rain yesterday, I'm okay. I should be back tomorrow so no worries😌

He replies 3 minutes later.

Nathan: I knew you shouldn't have walked home alone. I hope you feel better, and I hope to see you tomorrow. I want to see you.

Me: I'm planning on it. Thanks, goodnight.

Nathan: Goodnight Riley.

I turn off my phone and put it down to charge. I turn off the light, and go to sleep.
My alarm rings. I groan, and turn it off. I get up, and grab my towel. I take a shower and once I'm done I open my drawer , and pick out a baggy sweater. I grab my boots, and some skinny jeans. I want to feel warm, and comfortable today. I change into the clothes then I put my hair up in a bun, and go to the bathroom, and brush my teeth. I put some Chapstick on, and grab my phone and go downstairs.

I See Matt sitting down at the table eating cereal. I didn't even hear him come in. I try to break the silence. "When did you get Home?" I ask. He looks deep in thought. He doesn't even say anything, it's almost like I'm not there. I'm just Not going to open my mouth.  I don't want to keep bothering him. I walk into the kitchen, and take out the milk and Frosted Flakes. I grab a bowl and pour the milk in, then add the cereal. I put the stuff away, and sit down at the couch and eat. The house is so Quiet. I see Matt walk into the Kitchen, and put the bowl into the sink. He glances at me, then makes his way to the guest room . I eat my cereal as fast as I could, then I get up and put it in the sink. I hear the door open and Matt comes out with his car keys and book bag.

"I'm driving you to school, let's go" he doesn't even look at me when he says that... He didn't even let me make a choice, he's demanding me.Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

I grab my book bag, and get out of the house. I lock the door, and get into the car. Matt drives. Really fast. I look at him. He looks tense and upset.

"Can you please slow down?"

He gives me a quick glance, and his eyes soften. He slows down, and I turn my head to the window. We arrive at school. He parks the car, & quickly gets out of the car, and walks inside. What's his problem? I get out of the car, and hold my book bag. Today is going to be a long day.
Lunch. The only thing about school I like. I sit down at the Table, and take out my phone.

"Hey Riley!" Nathan sits down next to me. "How are you?"

"I'm still a little sick, but I'm a lot better then how I was yesterday"

"I'm glad to hear that because there's something that I wanted to ask you"

"Why am I scared all of a sudden?" I tell him biting my Lip nervously.

"Hey, don't do that" Nathan says running his finger on my bottom lip looking into my eyes. I look down and back up, and his eyes go to my lips, he slowly starts to lean in, and I'm frozen. What do I do?!

"Hey!" Nathan turns around and I see Matt walking towards us. "What are you doing?"

"Why do you care what I'm doing?"

"Don't touch her" Matt says.

"What? You have no right to tell me what to do, your the only who's always hurting her, mentally and Physically and yet your attacking me? And why do you care anyways?" Nathan says getting up. Oh no.

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