Chapter 25

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I wake up, and find myself Drooling on my textbook. I let out a moan, and pick my head up, as I blink my eyes, and remove the saliva that was left on my chin. Matt and I were studying All Night, guess we fell asleep. I Look at Matt and see him slouching in his seat letting out soft snores. I smile and scratch my head. I get up and Grab my phone. Oh it's 10:30, we slept a while. I walk away, and then stop. Wait it's 10:30. Not again, oh my goodness! I run towards Matt, and slap him on the chest.

"Matt wake up!" I see his eyes open, and he gets up and grabs me, and pushes me down onto the Table. He breathes Heavily, as I let out a gasp, and then looks at me, and let's go of me.

"Riley, don't do that again, I could have hurt you, I thought you were someone else, damn it." He said.

I get up, and fix my shirt, and Matt stares at me.

"That was Kind of hot though, I'm not gonna lie, it kind of turned me on." Matt says looking me up and down.

I open my mouth to say something ,but push it aside.
"Were Late for school."

"Ugh, do we Have to go?"

"Yes, we've missed enough days already remember?" I tell him.

"Well Yeah, but I'm just so exhausted, we've been studying all night."

"Look, I'm really tired too but we have to go to school, so get ready."


"Matt seriously please."

"You Can go, I'm staying home."

I walk over to him, and punch him in the shoulder.

"Ow, what was that for?" He rubs his shoulder softly, and I roll my eyes.

"Your acting like a five year old ,just get ready!"

"I don't want to."

"What is it going to take for you to get ready for school?"

Matt looks at me, and smirks. "Well?.."

"Forget it, I already know what your thinking, and the answer is no." I say walking away, he grabs my wrist.

"Actually, I was Just going to say A Kiss, but I like that you have a dirty mind."

"Your weird."

"Sorry?" He laughs. "So what about that kiss huh?"

"I need to brush first duh"

"Do we really gotta go?"

I let out a sigh. "Your not going to stop bothering me about this are you?"

"Nope. Come on let's just miss one day, we can spend a whole day together, doing whatever we want, would you rather be at school learning?" Matt asks me.

"Well no not really-"

"So let's just stay home, one day won't hurt."

"Fine fine but this is the last time."

"Okay I swear."

I turn around, and go upstairs. I do what I always do, and Come Down stairs. I feel my body Be grabbed, and I feel myself being picked up and get spinned around, I let out a small Laugh, and kiss Matt softly on the lips.

"This was so worth it." He says as he kisses me again.

"So what do You wanna do?"

"let's go To The Mall."

"I have no Money, I'm broke." I say.

"Don't worry, I'll pay, you can get anything you want."

"That's really nice Matt, but You don't have to waste all of your money On me."

Hate Is A Form Of Affection (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now