Chapter 41

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We arrive at the movie theaters, and We See there's a Short Line.

"How much are the tickets Again I forgot." I tell him.

"There About $10."

"Oh Okay. I brought My Own Money, so you don't have to Pay for me." I tell him. He looks down at me and scoffs.

"Save it. I'm paying for you."

"Matt no. How much money do you even Have left?" He stays quiet.

"Like 9 Dollars..." he mutters.

My eyes Pop Up, and I shake my head. "That's it? How are you going to pay for your ticket?" I ask him.

"My Mom lend me some Money, so I Have Enough for Snacks, and Even For the arcade Games."

"Where did all your Money go?" I ask him. Matt shrugs His Shoulders.

"Look, it's Okay, don't worry I got it under control." He Reassures Me. I sigh, and Rest My head on his shoulder as we move up the line.

"You have a fat head." He tells me laughing.I get My head Off him, and Laugh.

"Your such a jerk." I say. It's our turn.

"2 tickets Please." Matt says taking out his wallet. The Guy Asks what movie, and then We Tell him and Get Our tickets.

"Any snacks or drinks?" The Guy Asks us. He looks like he really hates his job.

"A large Popcorn, extra butter, and 2 Coca Colas." Matt says. The man passes us 2 Cups, and Matt Passes me One. I look at Matt, and Smile. As the guy gets our popcorn Matt Talks to me.

"He Looks Mad." He tells me.

"I know Right. I thought I was the only one who noticed." I say. Matt smiles, and the Guy comes back with our popcorn. I look at his shirt and see That His Name Tag Says Greyson. Nice name.

"That will be $24." He says. Matt Pays and I look at him with this Face.

"Thank you.. next!" He Yells. I Walk to the soda Machine with Harper, and we get our drinks.

"I wish you had let me Pay." I tell him. I'm going to get Coca Cola. I get some ice, and Matt Gets the same.

"What did I Say? I got it under control." He tells me.

I sigh, and we Get our straws and Head Into the Movies. We walk in and the Place Is Pretty Packed. I see there's only a few seats left open in the back, and there's rarely anyone in the front. Sitting in the front at the Movie theaters suck.

"We should go fast, There's only a few seats left all the way at the top, and someone else could take it." I tell Matt.

"Your right. Let's run" I giggle and we run up the stairs. As we are running, Matt Trips Over the stairs, and Falls on the stairs. I gasp, and cover My Mouth With The Palm Of My Hand.

"Oh my gosh!" I say. "Is the popcorn Okay?" I ask Him. Matt Looks at me with this serious Look, and I start Laughing. I hold my stomach not being able to stop, and now there's tears coming out of My Eyes. We hear Laughs around Us too, as everyone Looks at Matt.

He Stands Up, and Fixes His Hair. I'm still Laughing, and Matt soon starts bursting out into Laughter Too.

"Okay! Okay! I get it, you can stop laughing at me now." Matt says Laughing. Everyone Stops, and I Grab Matt's hand.

"Are you Okay?" I ask him smiling.

"Yeah, that was embarrassing." He says.

"It was adorable. Now let's get In our Seats the Movies about to start." We sit all the way in the Back, and The lights begin to Dim.

Hate Is A Form Of Affection (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now