Chapter 45

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"So how are you feeling today?" Matt asks me. He has been asking me this question since the minute I stepped into his car this morning. He's worried I'm still upset about what happened yesterday. I'm recovering, slowly, but I'll get there.

"Better." I say smiling. He hugs me, and As we eat our lunch, the speakers come on.

"Students. Your attention please." Everyone quiets down, and I continue eating my pizza. "I would like to announce this Years homecoming dance. Dress formal. The dance will be held on Friday at 7-10 PM. You can buy your tickets in the school store. The tickets cost $10. You may be able to bring in guests from outside of the school, but the minimum amount of people is 1. If you have any more questions or concerns come to the guidance office, and we will come help you out. Dress nice! Have a great day!" The speakers turn off, and I Keep eating with a smile on my face.

"What are you all smiley about?" Matt asks me.

"Nothing." I say. He looks at me with this 'your not a very good liar face' and I give in. "Fine, I'm thinking about the dance." I say.

"What about it?" Matt asks with his mouth full of pizza.

"Ask me when your mouth isn't full of chewed up pizza. Ew." I say looking away. He smiles and swallows.

"Can you answer me now?" He says with the food finally out of his mouth. It annoys me when people talk with their mouth full. It's gross.

"It's just, I've never been to a dance. I've never had any friends to go with, or a boyfriend, or even a nice dress." I say remembering my past. I'm not bullied as much as I was before, but there's still times when people harass me. For example the whole nude picture chaos around the school.

Matt just stares at me and says nothing. "You actually want to go to one of those things?"

I shrug. "Well, Yeah. I mean I want to experience it. I want to see if I would enjoy it." I say hoping that he would ask me to the dance. I want him too, and I hope by the Face that I'm making he can tell what it is that I want.

"Riley would you like too?" He starts.

"Mmhm?" I ask Smiling.

"Would you like to share some of your pizza." He says grabbing it taking a big bite. I frown, and turn away.

"Uh yeah sure. I don't care." I say. I really thought he was going to ask me. Way to get my hopes up like that.

"It's just really good." He says eating more.

"Okay, don't eat the whole thing." I say annoyed grabbing it from his hand.

As we're talking I hear a voice come from behind us.


I turn around and see that it's Chelsea. I look down at her stomach and she's starting to show just a little bit now.

"Hi Chelsea." He says smiling.

"What is going on?" She asks confused looking at me. I sit there staring back at her with confusion, and Then turn to Matt to see him trying to find out what to say.

"Chelsea, I never told you but Riley and I Are back together." Matt says nervously. When did he tell her? Chelsea stands still and I can see the fury in her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks. I sit there confused, and I Just listen.

"I don't know." He admits.

She stares at him, and just begins to smile. "You know what? good for you guys." Come again? "If your happy then I'm happy." She says. I find that a little good to be true. Something isn't right.

"Thanks Chelsea. That means a lot." Matt says.

"No problem. So, I'll message you the time of my appointment. It's tomorrow, and I know you said you wanted to come."

"Yeah, that'd be great." He says.

"Awesome. Well, see you guys." She looks at me and I can see the small glare, but I ignore it.

"Well, you guys have been talking." I say a little jealous.

"Well, she's pregnant with my child." Matt says. That totally made it better. Note the sarcasm.

"I know that, but you can at least tell me when you guys are together." I say.

"You jealous?" Matt asks smirking.

"Well yeah, your having her baby Matt." I say agitated. He looks at me in silence. I turn away realizing what I just said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks concerned.

"Nothing. Just forget I said anything." I say eating, but it's not nothing. I know I shouldn't be feeling this way. A part of me wishes I was the one having his baby. What is wrong with me? I know he has to be with her but I can't help but too get jealous.

"Okay." Is all he says. I just want to forget this ever happened.


"I never asked you." I say as we walk to his car.

"Asked me about what?"

"How your first day went at your new job." I say giggling.

"It was terrible. I was basically the janitor. Had to clean up some kids mess in aisle 7"

"Ew." I say Laughing. "well, are you still cleaning up kids incidents? Or did he give you a new task to do?"

"Yeah, I Work at the cash register now. I'm a cashier." He says and I nod. "I should start heading there as a matter of fact. Hey you think you can help me with my homework later on at night?" He asks yawning.

"You look exhausted." I say kissing the tip of his nose.

"I am. Football practice, now I got this job, and the whole pregnancy things. It's getting to me." He says.

"I'm sorry. You'll be okay. " I say reassuring him.

"Yeah, I hope so. Let me drive you home." He suggests.

"Riley." I hear. I turn around and see it's Nathan. Matt Looks at me, and nods slowly.

"I'll be in the car." He says before glaring at Nathan. Nathan just stands there, and I walk towards him.

"Hey. What's up?" I ask.

"I just wanted to come talk to you." He says.

"Aw. That's sweet. What about?"

"Just stuff." He says.

I laugh. "What stuff?"

"Never mind. Um, you going to the dance?"

"I don't think so. I want Matt to ask me, but he hasn't. I hope he does. Am I stupid for wanting for that?"

"Not at all. It's kind of cute actually." Nathan says. I hear a beep, and Matt says that he has to go or he's going to be late.

"I can drive her home." Nathan says.

"Would you do that? I don't want him to make it to work late."

"Of course. Besides, it looks like it's gonna rain. This weeks weather has been crappy." Nathan says.

"Right. Matt! I'm gonna ride with Nathan!" He stares at me.

"Call me when you get home!" He yells.

"Okay!" I yell back. He pulls out the parking lot, and starts heading out.

"Well let's go then." Nathan says.

This chapter isn't that great. Sorry guys haha. I'll make the next ones better! So, I might be a bit early with this, but I would like to know your opinions on whether there should be a sequel to this book or not. I haven't made a decision yet, but please let me know if you would like one, and maybe I'll take it into consideration. Thanks guys!



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