Chapter 54

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I woke up feeling tired. I pick up my phone, and see two missed calls from Matt. I never answered him last night because when I arrived home I was so exhausted from the amusement park. That stuff really takes the energy out of you. And gives you a major headache.

I yawned, and called him. After two rings, he finally picked up.

"Riley? What the hell? I have been worried about you. You never answered my texts,and you didn't answer my calls. Are you okay?" He Asks me making me smile at how worried he is. I love him so much it's actually scary.

"I'm sorry. When I came home I had a headache, and I was exhausted so I just crashed. And I just woke up. Sorry baby." I Say getting up grabbing my sandals.

He sighs. "It's okay, but don't do it again okay? Did you have fun?" He Asks me.

"Yeah. We had a lot of fun. We were there almost all day." The line goes silent for a moment till he replies.

"Great. I'm glad you had a good time."

"Yeah, so how was work? And how's Chelsea?"

"Uh.. work was the same. Boring, and annoying. Chelsea..she's fine. The baby is great. We watched TV at her house, and just hung out." I nod smiling. I'm a little Jealous but I trust him with all of my heart so I'm not upset.

"I'm glad she's okay, and yeah your work Isn't exactly amazing. You don't get paid enough either." I Say.

"Yeah... so anyways, what are you doing today? I want to see you, and hold you. I miss you."

"I'm busy." I tell him knowing I'm going to the gym with Nathan.

"Doing What?"

"Well, I'm going to the gym in a few hours with Nathan. I thought it's about that time to get into shape. And he volunteered to be my workout buddy. So, I said yes. Is that okay?"

"Why didn't you just come to me about it, I could have helped you. I workout all the time, I mean I'm captain of the football team I need to be in shape."

"Don't get jealous. And I'm sorry, I wasn't really thinking that much of it."

"It's okay. How long will you be there for?"

"I'm not sure. When I'm done I'll let you know."

"Alright, well I got to go. I love you.."

"I love you too. Bye." I hang up,and walk into the bathroom opening the top cabinet grabbing my toothbrush. I brush my teeth, then walk out back to my bedroom and begin looking for clothes. I pulled our some black joggers, and my sneakers. I then grabbed a sports bra, and a tank top. I grabbed my towel, and took a quick shower. I quickly changed, and then I got a text from Nathan.

Nathan: I'll be there in 5.

I smile, and grab my phone, and bag. I rush downstairs, to see a letter on the kitchen counter.

Went out with Claire.
I'll be home soon
Be careful. I love you
Ps: There's dishes for you to complete!

I sigh, and open the fridge and grab a water bottle. I sit down on the couch, only to hear a knock on the door. I get up knowing it's Nathan, and I open it to see him with a smile on his face. I welcome him inside, and he turns around and looks at me. He looks me up, and down making me feel butterflies in my stomach.

"Y-you look good." He says sitting down. I look down at what I'm wearing. I'm pretty casual but this sports bra makes my boobs look bigger then they already are. I lift my tank top up a bit to cover up and sit down next to him.

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