Chapter 23

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"What the hell is going on?" Nathan asks me sounding upset.

"I was going to tell you I swear."


"When I Thought it was A Good Moment."

Nathan Scoffs, and turns around and begins to walk out of the room.

"Wait." I follow Him Out, and Matt watches me run out.

"Nathan stop please Just Let me Explain."

"Why Should I? We went out on a date Together, I got into a fight for you, I get suspended for a week, and I come back to.. That. No Thanks."

"I'm sorry Nathan, I didn't mean for you to find out like this, I was going to tell you today, when I thought it was the perfect time, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"What are you even doing with him? I thought you guys hated each other. Plus, he treated you like Crap. I was the only one there for you."

"I know you were, and I want to thank you for being there for me when No one else was really, and I did hate him." I tell him.

"So what Happened? I feel like you played with my emotions."

"I didn't. I really did Like you Nathan, but for the past week Matt and I have grown a lot closer, like old times."

Nathan Let's out a sigh, and sits down On of the chairs that's sitting in the halls.

"I really Am sorry. Please don't hate me."

"I don't hate you I'm just Upset with you."

I look down in sadness. He looks Up at me.

"I don't know what to do Now."

"Neither do I... Are we still friends?" I ask him hoping for the answer to come out of his mouth to be Yes.

"I don't know, I think I just need some Time To Process all of this. I'm sorry." Nathan tells me Getting up.

"I get it. I'll give you your space. I really am sorry." I tell him feeling guilty about hurting Him like that.

I head Back into class, and sit down In my seat. Matt stops talking to his friends, and Looks at me.

"What Happened?"

"He's Angry. I feel Terrible."

"It'll Be okay." He says hugging me.

"What The-"

"Shut up" I hear Matt say to one of his friends.
"Are You Gonna eat that?" I ask Matt.

"Take it." He says passing me His plate.

"Not hungry?" I ask him.

"No, I'm Just really Annoyed."

"What for?"

"These People. They haven't been leaving us alone. It's getting on my nerves."

I look around, and see Everyone looking at us, and whispering things to each other as they send us weird Looks.

"Hey!" We Look up. "Matt what the Hell are you doing Man is this A joke?!" I hear some Random guy yell.

"Yeah, what are you doing with her? That's Riley, aren't you with Chelsea anyways!" And now the whole room is silent.

"No, Matt dumped me for that slut. It's obvious he has some Kind of issue." Chelsea says rolling her eyes.

"She's Nothing!"

"She's Ugly!"

"She's Weird!"

"Shut up!" Matt says slamming the Table with his fist. "I couldn't Give a crap what Any of you think! Riley Is amazing, and Clearly All Of you are too blind to see that. You can talk whatever You want but that's not going to stop us from being in the relationship we want. You all really Need to stop
Being such Assholes, and grow up. I know I Was bad to Her, and I regret all of it, But she helped Me change Who I am, I've become A better person because of her, and I don't need any one of you to tell me differently, and I am Not ashamed In Liking Somebody Like her, what am I ashamed of is ever being friends with you Stuck Up selfish People, So All of you can suck My Ass." Matt says, and quickly grabs My Face, and Kisses me softly on the lips in front of the entire school. I hear Gasps, but I smile against his lips, and he smiles Back. I pull away.

"You didn't need to do that." I tell him.

"I wanted to, and I told you If anyone messes with You, I'm going To deal with them."

"Thank You."

"It's No problem."

I see Nathan Get Out of his seat, and walk out of the room looking upset. God, I hope he can forgive me..

Hate Is A Form Of Affection (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now