Chapter 34

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Matt and I Arrive at the airport and We wait outside waiting for them to come out.

Matt's phone rings and he picks it up.

"Chelsea? What's wrong?" He asks her. "I'm at the airport, can we talk Later?" I stand there awkwardly. I'm not gonna lie I'm a little jealous. They're going to be hanging out a lot more now, and I don't know how I feel about that. I can't tell if this makes me selfish Or not. "Okay. Bye."

I stand there, and just look around.

"Do you see them Anywhere?" Matt asks me.

"No, do you?" I ask him.

"Riley." I hear behind me. I turn around Fast, and see My Mom standing there with ears forming in her eyes.

"Mom." I say running to her. I give her the tightest Hug I ever Could, and Tears Slip out of my eyes. Matt smiles at us, and Takes a picture.

"I missed you so Much." She tells me. "Matt, what are you doing?"

"I just thought it was A Moment to be captured On camera. I'll stop." He says. I roll my eyes. He's like a little kid.

"I missed you too." I say. I pull away, and My Mom Wipes My Tears Away, and I Laugh.

"We we're always such crybabies, weren't we?" She says and I let out this Laugh.

"Where's My Mom?" Matt asks My mom.

"The Bathroom. She has such a weak Bladder, I swear." My Mom Says. "Come here Matt." She says opening her arms wide. Matt Gives her A Hug, and I Can't help but too smile. I'm a little nervous to tell Her, and Claire about Matt and I. I know they'll be Okay with it, but It's still nerve racking. I'm scared for Matt. Who Knows How His Mom is going to react.

Claire walks out the Bathroom Looking for something in her purse.

" I can never find that Stupid Lip Gloss." She says. She stops Next to my Mom, and Looks At Matt.

"Matt." She says. She Hugs Him, and Matt Hugs her back.

"Welcome Back Mom." He says in her ear.

"I missed you so much. Riley!" She says, I give her a hug and she pulls away. "was Matt being a good Boy?"

"Mom." Matt says rolling his eyes.

"Because if he wasn't, I'll Make sure he gets a spanking-"

"Mom!" Matt Says Feeling embarrassed.

"I've missed embarrassing you." She says sighing. "Let's go eat, I'm starving. We have so much to tell you Guys, and I bet there's so much things you Guys Want to Tell us."

"Oh you have no Idea." Matt says.

"You didn't mess up the car did you?" Claire asks Matt.

"No, mother." He says Sighing helping her with her baggage."

"Okay Just Making Sure."
We Arrive at a small Diner near the airport, and as we eat my mom shows Matt and I pictures of Bahama.

"I want to go." I say. They Laugh, and Look at us.

"Next time." My Mom says, as I eat I Look at Matt who's just playing around with his food.

"Matt? You okay Honey, you barely touched your food?" His mom asks him. I look at him, and I decide that Maybe now should be a good time to tell Them about Matt and I.

"Matt." I say. He looks at me, and we have this small conversation with our eyes. I think By the Way He Smiles at me, He knows What's about to go down. I smile back.

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