Chapter 17

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Hi guys! I just wanted to tell you before you start reading that I deleted Chapter 17 because I wanted to do a re do of it. There were a few mistakes In the Chapter that I didn't realize I made Until I went back and Checked the Chapter. So, here's the New Chapter 17, there may be some similarities just so you guys know, and I hope you guys enjoy!

His lips are against mine. I just had my first kiss with my Ex best friend, am I even doing this right? I kiss back, and our lips move in synch. We Pull away, and I lay my forehead against his, and we begin to Breathe Heavily.

"I'm sorry, I have to go this was so wrong, I don't know why I did that" I say running Back to the house because I don't want to get sick again from all the rain that's falling down. Matt grabs my wrist causing me to stop running. I turn around and look at him.

"Matt please let me go" I tell him with Pleading eyes.

"Riley, just wait. Look, I know your saying that The kiss was wrong, but it felt right. It wasn't a mistake, and if I'm being completely honest right now, I want to kiss you so bad again." Matt tells me.

"No, It was wrong. I have feelings for Nathan, and besides you Have a girlfriend, you realize you just cheated right?" I tell him.

"Yeah, I realize, and I never really ever had feelings for Chelsea I just wanted her for her body, and I know that's wrong, but I realize now that she's not the one I have feelings for. I have feelings for you." Matt tells me looking deeply into my eyes, and I can tell he's telling the truth, which just makes this even more confusing and harder.

"This is just too much to handle right now, just a couple weeks ago you hated me, and now your basically telling me that you Like me? I just I don't know if I can take this." I say looking down at the floor.

"I know, I've been awful to you, and believe me, I am so sorry for everything that I have done to you, physically, and verbally, but This is me letting go and being honest with you."

"I like Nathan, not you."

"What's so great about him anyways? Why do you like him so much, you just met him about a week ago!" He says in an angry,and annoyed tone.

"Because he was the only person who cared, and was there for me, when no one else was. He was nice, and caring to me, which is something that I don't receive a lot, and I'm grateful for Nathan. He's my friend, and most importantly he has never hurt me, unlike you who has hurt me a million times, so there's your answer." I say with tears forming into My eyes.

"Riley, I am sorry, I'm so so sorry. Please, you Have to believe me." He says.

"No, what I need right now, is to be alone. Please don't follow me" He lets go of my wrist slowly and I run into the house. I run Upstairs, and close my door. I silently cry to myself, as I go through my drawer looking for clean, dry clothes. I take off my wet clothes, and put on the dry ones, and put my hair up into a pony tail. I sit down on my bed, and I wipe My tears away. I thought this night was going to be perfect, now it's just A complete NightMare. I wasn't expecting this to Happen. I never have. I don't know what to do..
I wake up,and rub my eyes. I don't even remember falling asleep. What time is it? I Grab my phone, and I see that it's.. 10:30. Oh no I'm Late for school. I quickly jump out of bed, and take a quick shower. I change, and grab my book bag and My phone. I run down the stairs, and I see Matt sitting down stairs On the couch watching TV, though he looks sad.

"Hey, calm down what's the rush?" Matt asks me.

"I'm late for school"

"Oh yeah, it's Thursday, I forgot. Well, it's already 11:45 school is going to end in a couple of hours, there's really No point in going now" He says.

"Look, Matt I really don't Have the time to talk to you, okay? I have to go." I say.

Matt stands in fronting the door preventing me from leaving.

"Seriously get out of the way." I say.

"Riley, your not going to school."

"Who do you think you are my mother?"

"No, but There's just no point, it's late, and plus I might have called them and told them that you were sick so you had to stay home."

"What? Why would you do that?"

"You were already late! Plus, I just really wanted to Have a chance to talk to you." He tells me.

"Great. So now I'm being held hostage in my own house."

"Your not being held hostage."

"Sure feels like it"

He sighs, and walks over to me.

"Don't." He stops walking, and stares at me.

"You should eat. I made breakfast." Matt says looking down at the floor with his hands in his pockets.

"I'm not hungry."

"Your always hungry."

"Well, not this time."

"You and I both know that your hungry so Just eat, please?"


I walk into the kitchen, and find Pancakes, scrambled eggs, and Bacon all on a small plate. It looks really good.

"It's hot. I just finished making it a couple minutes ago, and no it's not poisoned. I wouldn't do that to you."

"Thanks I guess." I grab the Plate, and sit down at the Table. I eat, and it tastes really good.

"Not bad." I say trying to break the awkwardness.

"Yeah, thanks."

Silence. The only sound We hear is the sound of me chewing my food, which is really annoying.

After a couple Minutes I finally finish eating my breakfast. I get up, and go into the Kitchen, and Put the dish Into the sink.

"Okay um i am going Back upstairs." I tell Matt.

"Wait-" but I was already running up the stairs before he could say anything. I'm not ready. I need some time. That's all I want.

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