Chapter 2

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I am now in my third hour class and I am about to dose off. I hate History because we learn the same damn thing every year and it never seems to be something new. "Now. I want to talk about something that's more many of you know about our vigilantes or superheroes?" Everybody raises their hands and he nodded along with writing on the board 'Heroes and Vigilantes. Good Or Evil?' He turns back at us and said "What's your opinion?" No one raises their hands and he sighs along with rolling his eyes. "You. Mark" He points to the kid next to me and the guy said "Evil. They're destroying our city..they are nothing more than people yearning for attention because they saved a city even though it killed millions in New York. Plus, most of the times that they destroy our city...they don't even care. You don't see Steve Rodgers or Tony Stark coming out to say that their sorry for all the shit they have done." Our teacher nodded and he points to a girl named Jodie that sits up front. "They're good. They protect us from alien threats. Plus the menace on the streets. Like that Fisk guy..Plus going back to what Mark said..they have openly apologized for their New York incident and have started to rebuild New York." Everyone murmurs in agreement and then he points at me. "Hailee. What's your opinion?" I look up and said "I don't really have one...I mean these people are just doing their jobs. Plus they haven't completely destroyed the city..they aren't harassing what's the big deal." My teacher nods and said "Seems I have a project for you." Everyone groans and he starts passing out photographs. "These are Heroes of New York. Some of them you may not recognize because they aren't...well avenger level Heroes." He hands one out to everyone and I look at mine. It's a woman who wears a white body suit and has somewhat semi-dark purple hair. 'Jewel.' Her name was and it was one that I had never heard of before. "You have...two weeks till the project is due." Our teacher says and he says "Good luck." The bell rings and everyone leaves class. "So. Who'd you get?" Winn asks me and said "Jewel. You?" He chuckled and said "Daredevil." I laugh and said "Your dad is going to be so pissed." Winn's father is Wilson Fisk or better known as Kingpin. "I've never heard of yours. Must be a minority..Although." He grabs my picture and holds it up to my face. "You do look like her." He says and I roll my eyes. "I bet she is probably one that had one of those superhero meltdowns...became like..a..detective who is like a drunk." Winn says and I rolled my eyes. "She probably just had a bad day or was on her period...and quit." Winn shrugs and said "True." We both walk to our English class and I sat down in my seat along with looking outside. Winn talks with a guy nearby and I hear heals clicking. Must be Vicki and her friends. Like every high school, you have your popular bitches and that is Vicki along with her three friends. They walk in and they all look alike. They sit near where I sit and I glance over at them. Vicki was the leader, Tanya is the co-leader, Lauren is just there, and Mariah is..well I don't know. "What are you looking at?" Mariah snaps at me and said "Nothing." I turn away and the bell rings for the hour to begin. Mr.Ducasse walks in. "Morning class." He says and everyone replied with "Morning Mr.Ducasse." I set my head on my desk and he calls off role-call. As class goes on, my mind goes back to my History project. That woman that I got..she did look familiar but maybe it was just my head fucking with me. I look outside the window and wait for the next bell to ring.

Hailee Jones-ThompsonWhere stories live. Discover now