Chapter 6

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I walk in the apartment and everything's quiet. I was gonna skip work so I could work on the project and now I might be able to find more information thanks to dad. I set my bag down and head upstairs along with heading to his office room. The door was probably locked, so I grabbed a hair clip and I go to the door. I twist the door knock and of course it is locked. So I kneel down and start to pick the lock. I eventually get the door unlocked and I smirk in satisfaction. I open the door and I turn on the light. I have actually never been in here because dad likes his office private and I respected that. The walls are a simple dark grey and he has a few pictures on the wall of me along with some with Sarah and Nick. I smile and I walk over to his desk along with seeing the sticky notes that he has around his desk. Okay. If I was my dad, where would I keep important files? I start to search his drawers and makes sure that I don't screw up his files. I don't find anything at all and I sighed then I go to his cabinet that was shut. I open it and there are file boxes along with a box labeled 'Jessica' I check the file boxes first and I find a newspaper article that is about Jewel along with two pictures of Jewel. I smile to myself and I find another article. 'Why does dad keep this stuff?' I think to myself and I stop along with thinking about it but can't find a reason why dad would keep something like this. Maybe he had history with her? Or maybe he enjoyed reading about her? I don't know. I put those pictures and papers aside. I grab the box labeled 'Jessica' and I open it along with looking inside it. Not much but files with documents inside and photos along with a leather jacket. I grab one of the files and it's a marriage certificate. I smile slightly and go through the rest of the file along with finding something interesting. A divorce paper and it is only partially filled out. I read it and my mom was the one who was filling it out. She was filling a divorce from dad and she listed abuse under a small area that said 'Reason for Divorce.' I rose my eyebrow and I was taken aback. This was probably something my mom filled out when they hit tough times but she didn't finish it. I keep calm and don't jump to assumptions. My father is a good man and has never hurt a woman in his life. I look at the photos and mom looks no different at all. These were taken recently (about a week ago) and they were well photographed. But why did dad have all of this stuff? I grab the photos of mom and put everything else back in the box. I frown and put the box it in the cabinet along with shutting the cabinet door. I grab the Jewel info and turn off the light along with going to my bedroom. I think about what the divorce paper meant and I didn't understand why mom was filling it out. From what I knew about my parents relationship was that mom and dad had married then had me. Dad never told me why they truly separated but he told me that they left each other because there was issues in their relationship that could be fixed through therapy. I never really questioned it..until now. I look at the photos of my mom and I compare it to the photo I have in the drawer. It's obviously the same person and I smile a little because now I have some more photos of her. But that divorce paper had me stumped..I could ask dad but he always dodged questions that had to do with my mom and I'm pretty sure that I can't keep breaking into his office to find more information. I'm pretty sure that dad doesn't want me to go find mom but maybe I could try to find her. I could ask questions and get answers I need. I sigh and I hear the front door open. I hear heals clicking and know it's Sarah back from work. I put the photos of mom in my drawer and Sarah walks in. "I didn't know you were coming home early." She doesn't seem pissed which is good and I said "I had my article done, so I just came home." She nods and said "Alright. Did that teacher of yours let you change your person?" I shake my head no and she sighs. "Maybe your father and I will go to talk to him.." I sigh and said "You don't have to. He won't let anyone change." Sarah nods and said "Alright. Well..get your homework done." She leaves and I shut my door along with sitting on my bed. I start to work on homework along with thinking how I could find more information about my mom and about my parents former relationship. Something didn't add up.

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