Chapter 14

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I wake up to Sarah's singing in the kitchen and I frown along with covering my ears. I rather not deal with my family right now because of what happened last night..I see that my phone is on the table and I know that dad wanted to take it away but I didn't give it to him. I turn it on and there's a text from that Jon guy. 'Hey Hailee. Wanted to see if you wanted to take a run tomorrow?' I sigh and I text back 'Sorry..can' grounded me. Sorry Jon.' I sent it and I put my phone back on the table along with lying on my stomach along with staring at the wall. Last night was full of tears, hurt, and I learned the ugly truth. How could it be true? My father a rapist...I just couldn't fucking believe it. I hear a knock at my door and the door creaks open. I shut my eyes and I know that it is dad. He walks in and he kissed my head along with whispering "Sorry." He leaves and I feel a couple tears run down my face. I don't know if I could forgive him..but I know that he might force me to forgive him. I sit up and I slowly get up along with seeing the broken photograph on the floor. I clean up the mess and I change into plain old shirt along with a pair of shorts along with lying back in my bed along with thinking about last night some more. Maybe I could to mom and beg her to take me in but after seeing how she treated me yesterday..I don't think she'll take me in. I guess that I'm stuck here..I sigh and go over ton of things in my head. I stay in my bed along with staring out of my window along with sighing. Why did so many things feel not right? Was my dads whole life a lie? Maybe it was..maybe dad kept it a secret so the truth wouldn't hurt me. I gulp and I look over at the box in the closet. I grab it and sat on the floor along with pulling out a file that was labeled 'Kevin.' I open it and I pull out some files along with reading one. 'Kevin, I'm sorry but I cannot come back..I can't trust you..after what you deserve to be alone..' There is a picture attached and it showed scars on a woman's back. I knew that it had to be mom and I rub my face along with going through a couple more files. More emails from mom and then I find some from Sarah. 'Kevin, I need you here with me. Quit leaving me and might have a daughter but you also have a son..I know that Hailee is your concern but Nick should be more important to you..he is younger and need a father figure in his life..Please stop by later.' I find another and it is from Sarah again. 'Dear Kevin, I don't even know if you were planning to tell me why you left but it's not fucking fair! Your son needs you and so do I. Hailee is young..she has had you her whole life...let Nick have the same..he needs a father! Not just a single mother..We need each other and I know that you need may act like you don't want me but you do. And trying to go back to Jessica is not a good idea. Remember..she killed you but I was the one who saved you! I was the one who didn't give up when your goddamn heart stopped. So please come back! Because if you go back to her..she will kill you again and I won't help. Please Kevin, I love you and you need to come back..' I frown and said out loud "Kill? No one can outlive death.." I rub my head and I want to know more about this death. I go through more files but there was nothing about Dad dying except for a hospital form but that was from his incident from a long while back. I sigh and I put the files back along with putting the box away along with looking at myself in the mirror. My eyes are rimmed red, my hair a mess, and there a mark from last night. I sigh and I look at my door. I don't feel like leaving the room but I might have to. I go back to my bed and lie down along with staring at the window still. The street noise is not as bad as it usually is and I sigh along with listening to whatever was going on downstairs. Sarah and Dad were talking in the next room. "She hates me Sarah..I just don't know what to do.." Dad says and Sarah sighs. "She may hate you..but you can't kick her out..she just needs time to..take in what's she knows now." I hear dad sigh and I listen as they continue to talk. They talk about the wedding and how Sarah was gonna take me out dress shopping later. Great, more time with my stepmom who I don't like..I cross my arms and keep staring out the window. My stomach rumbles but I ignore it. I just stay in my bed and stare out the window.

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