Chapter 13

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(Thanks Kelly Clarkson and P!nk for the inspiration to write this chapter.
Chaos and Piss-P!nk
Because Of You-Kelly Clarkson)

"Are you stupid!?" Dad asks and I stare at the couch. "I swear to god Hailee! I thought I raised you better than this!" He shakes his head and he says "I just can't!" Sarah frowns and said "And going through your father's personal documents! That is unacceptable!" We sit in silence for a while and Dad continues on. "Those documents are to be returned...I don't want to even see them in your room again! And don't think I don't know about you going to see that bloody Trish Walker! She already ruined my life enough! She is nothing but a selfish bitch!!And don't even get me started about you seeing that boy! You know you are forbidden to have any boyfriends until you move out of the house. God damn it Hailee!" Dad puts his head in his hands and he groans. I stare down and said "I just wanted to know about my real mom." Dad rolls his eyes and says "And how many times have I told you that we will talk about it when your older!" I glare and said "I'm fucking seventeen! I've waited since I was 10 or 11! You always told me maybe next year or maybe when your older! Well I am older! God damn it! I just want to know about my birth mom! Is that a bad thing!?" He frowns and said "And then you decide to go meet her!" I stay silent and gulp. " have broken every rule I have under this goddamn house. Can I even trust you anymore?" He rubs his ace and says "I just can't believe you were that stupid! We have been over this a million times! You are not to go to anyone's house without our permission! Especially hers!" He rubs his face and Sarah stared at me with glaring eyes. "You are grounded for a month! No phone, no computer! No nothing." I nod and he says "Damn it." Sarah gently rubs his shoulder and says "Calm's fine." I look down and said "Mom told me a I was a child of that true?" Dad turns to me and says "What?" I look at him in the eye and said "She said I was a child of it true?" He rolls his eyes and said "Hailee. That's complete bullshit." I frown and said "I don't think someone would lie about that." He looks at me with anger in his eyes and he said "Hailee...please don't." I glare at him still and I say "Why won't you tell me! I need to know dad! I would never take you for the kind of man to rape a woman! I just need the truth!" I stand up and said "Is she lying! Tell me!" The next thing I feel is a hand to my face and I cry out. "ITS TRUE DAMN IT! YOU FUCKING SATISFIED HAILEE!? HUH?" I feel tears streaming down my face and dad looks at me. A expression of horror is on his face and he kneels down along with turning my face. A giant red mark we there and he says "Haiz..I'm so sorry..I didn't mean to! I just lost my temper!" I glare and scream "LIKE HOW YOU LOST YOUR TEMPER AROUND MOM SO MANY TIMES! YOUR A FUCKING SICK FUCK! I CANT BELIEVE THE MAN WHO RAISED ME RAPED MY MOM AND FORCED HER TO HAVE ME! ID RATHER BE DEAD!" He frowns and said "Hailee. Never say that to me again! I don't know what I would do if you were dead!" I frown and said "YOU WOULD PROBABLY BE RAPING EVERY GIRL IN SIGHT!" He frowns and yells "ENOUGH HAILEE! JUST SHUT UP!" I do what he says but it wasn't control and more tears fall down my face. The room is silent and I wipe my eyes along with looking at Sarah. "Did he rape you?" I ask and she looks horrified at the question. "Hailee..just go to your fucking room!" Dad says and I storm upstairs along with slamming the door. I throw myself on to my bed and I start to breakdown. I usually keep my emotions in control but sometimes that is never a good idea. I feel tears start and they don't stop. I turn my back to my door and lie on my bed still along with looking out my window. I just want to jump..maybe when I hit the ground..I could just be dreaming and would wake up. I don't do that because I know this is real life. I shut my eyes and I keep crying. Everything was so fucked up now. I look at the photo that is next to me and I frown at it. From when I had started my first day of work and it's a photo of me and dad. I grab it and throw it across the room. The glass shatters and I feel more and more tears run down my face. I grab the photograph from the drawer, the one Trish gave me and I rip it in half. I let it fall to the ground and I start to sob. It's hard to catch my breath and I can't stop crying. My eyes eventually have no more tears and now it's just me making shaky breaths. I just couldn't believe it..was my whole life a lie? Was dad just a evil person? Was my mom a good person? I just did not know and I shut my eyes along with rubbing my head. I now had a massive headache but I don't want to go outside of my room. My room felt like a safe house and I didn't want to leave. I slowly get my breath back to normal and I wipe my now stinging eyes. I stay in my bed and I can hear Sarah talking to Dad. I cover my ears with my pillow and I shut my eyes. I slowly start to dose off and my head kept pounding. I just ignored it. My cheek stung from dads slap but I ignore it along with slowly going to the darkness and I finally fall asleep.

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