Chapter 25

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I walk into the apartment and shut the door behind me along with lying on the couch. Four hours to myself and I had a plan on what I wanted to do. I wanted to find those tapes dad talked about and they had to be somewhere around here. I start to search through the apartment and make sure I check every place I can go. I sigh and I wasn't having any luck on finding those tapes. I sigh and I go to the TV along with going through the cabinets underneath the TV. I find some old DVDs and a old video camera. I have never seen this before and I decide to check it out. I sat on the couch and turn on the video camera along with seeing if there was any videos on it but there aren't. Memory seems to be wiped clean and I sigh along with looking thorough the cabinet again. I find three DVDs labeled 'Video Camera Recordings, Love Jess.' I smile and I turn on the TV along with putting in the first of the DVDs. It's slowly loading and I sit there waiting. Finally the disc loads and it plays a video from a long, long while ago. "Okay. I think I got it working." I hear dads voice say and I hear moms laugh in the background. "Great. Okay. And we have a camera." Dad says and I see my mom in the frame. "Close up on my beautiful girlfriend Jessica. And what are you doing?" She looks up and said "Working." I hear dad chuckle and he shows around the apartment that they lived in then. This must be before mom was pregnant with me and my parents don't look much different. The video transfers to another and it is my mom lying on the couch while dad films her in secret. She was singing and she was not the best singer but it made me laugh. The video changes again and it's my mom in the hospital. It was the thing that dad was telling me about and I hear my mom cuss so much that I almost piss my pants laughing. I change the DVD to the second one and dad is filming mom who is holding a baby who is probably me. "So. Finally back from the hospital with our Haiz." Mom say and I hear dad laugh. "Do not tell me your planning to call her that..that is the weirdest nick name ever." Mom rolls her eyes and she said "I think it's adorable Kevin. Plus..I gave birth to her. So I get to pick the Nick name." Dad laughs and said "Fine." The video changes and mom is holding the camera. "I came home early from Alias..only to find Kevin asleep and Hailee on top of him." She shows it and I laugh. The video changes again and dad is filming again along with showing mom who is on her laptop. "So. Should we even go on a Honeymoon?" She asks and Dad chuckled. "I'm pretty sure Patsy wouldn't mind watching Hailee." Mom glares at him and says "Her name is Trish Kevin." Dad laughs and said "I know. I just like annoying you..your cute when your annoyed." She rolls her eyes and said "Thanks babe." She kissed him and he kissed back. It was rather adorable and I smile. The video changes and this time it is set up where mom is sitting in front of the camera. She looks rather scared and there is a bruise under her eye. "He's gone..not for long though.." She looks back at the door and says "I want to end it..I want to end it so bad but he'll stop me. He'll keep me around so I can watch Hailee..and be his object of love.." She is fumbling with something in her hands and she looks directly at the camera. "If your watching this..this is the last day of Jessica Thompson..Hailee..I'm so sorry that I have to do this..but I promise I'll come back for you sweetie." She gets up and the door is shut. There is yelling and the camera goes to black. "DONT YOU DARE LEAVE JESSICA!" I her dad yell and the door slams. That must've been when mom left and it confused me. It sounded like she was leaving a suicide video but she must've changed her mind. I sigh and go to the third DVD. I hit play and it's a video of dad. He looks like shit and he sat in front of the camera. "What's the point? She isn't coming I'm stuck with a kid..I can't leave Hailee like how my parents did.." He rubs his face and takes a long drink from some alcohol drink..probably whiskey. Dad likes his whiskey. I sigh and the video continues. I start to cry because dads hurt and the pain in his eyes. He starts to break down and the video stops. Another one starts and its sound. Dads holding something in his hands and a woman sits there. Tied up and it is mom. I feel freaked out and starts to beat her..senseless. I can only imagine that mom is screaming and it's sickening..what the fuck was this video? I see the camera date and it says November 17 2016..that was a week can't be right? Could it? I don't know but I shut off the TV and take the DVD out along with putting them away. That fucked with head and I rub my head along with hearing the door open. "Oh. I didn't know you were coming home early." I hear Sarah say and I nod along with looking at her. I go upstairs and I try to process what I had just seen. I also hear a strange buzzing and beeping noise coming from downstairs but I don't know..could just be my head fucking me up. I lie down and shut my eyes.

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