Kilgrave POV

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I sit in my office and have a glass of whiskey next to me. I take a sip from the bottle and I wipe my mouth along with looking at a photo in my hands. Tonight had gone to denying about that and I couldn't believe I hit my own daughter. God damn it..I take another drink of whiskey and rub my head. The photo in my hands was one of the few I had of Hailee and I. It was one from she was 13 and she had competed in a computation for school and had made 3rd place. Now she's seventeen and probably hates my guts. She had every damn right to hate me. I set the photo down and I stare at the wall. My mind wanders to Hailee..god..why didn't I just tell her the truth? It could have been so easy but nope..I went with my own idea to keep the secret about my relationship with Jessica. I sigh and drink some more whiskey with a frown on my lips. What else did Jessica tell her? About my abilities? About how I was the most awful man to her? I needed to find out what they talked about it which meant that I would have to talk to Jessica face to face which I knew wasn't the best idea but I had to know what they talked about. I get up and put the whiskey away in the drawer along with walking to the cabinet along with grabbing a box. I sit in my chair and open the box. I sigh and take out a picture. One of the rare ones from the days of Jessica and I's relationship and it was taken a month after Hailee was born. Jessica was asleep on the bed and had Hailee on her chest. I found it adorable when I first saw it and took a picture right away. Then our relationship crashed, I had been having fights with myself and Jessica, which led to me abusing her which I never meant to happen but it did. She never fought back because she knew that I could control her with my mind and she was too scared. I was a monster..but after she left, I had to change for Hailee. She was just a baby and I wasn't gonna give up on her like my parents did. But now I ruined her trust...I admitted to the fact that she was a child of rape..she was probably never gonna forgive me..she'd probably leave the family and go leave with Jessica but I wouldn't let her. I wanted her to stay with me..she was my daughter..not Jessica's. I look at a few more pictures and stop at one from Hailee when she was 7. It was after my accident, A day I would not forget..the day of my accident where I had drank two bottles of whiskey and took half of a bottle of pills. Luckily someone found me, Hank was the one who found me. He rushed me to the hospital and I was forced to stay there over 5 months. Hailee visited me everyday and I loved having her company. The doctors said that it could have been a suicide attempt but I don't believe that it was. The photo was me and her in the hospital bed. She had fallen asleep on top of me and I was asleep as well. I sigh and keep that photo out along with putting the box back. I drink a couple more sips of the whiskey and put it away again. I stare at that photo and I shake my head. I go to the bedroom and Sarah is already asleep. I kiss her head and she smiles slightly. I change and get into bed next to her. I slowly fall asleep and I think about Hailee. I had to make it up to way or another.

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