Chapter 16

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I sit at the dinner table, alone. I still was finishing up and everyone else was doing their own thing. I finish the meatloaf and Mac n cheese along with washing off my plate. I think dad was in his office and I head up there along with looking at the door. I sigh and knock along with waiting for a come in. "Come in." I hear dad say and I open the door along with seeing him turn around in his chair. "Oh..Haiz.." He says and he sighs along with taking off his glasses. "Can we talk?" I say and he nods along with pointing at another chair in the room. I pull it up and he looks at me. I look back and everything was was silent. "What do you want to talk about?" He says and I sigh. "About last night.." He sighs and said "I knew you would want to talk about it.." I nod and he says "What I said last night was true Hailee..I did rape your mother..but I let her make the decision to keep the baby or get it rid of it..when she kept it..we had started to get close..why she stayed with me...I will never know. We had eventually decided to marry and we did. We were so happy and we loved being with each other. Your mom had you after 4 months of the marriage. We were overjoyed that we had a child and we both happy it was a girl. You had lightened up our lives and we had lived our days with you in peace..but started to get rough. We started to fight..daily..then I had started to drink and fight with her..I would beat her till she was out..I started to beat her daily...I hurt her so damn much..and I had a good time doing it.." I don't say a word..I'm taken aback. "She eventually started to fight back and she had started to beat me back..we had fought everyday but in front of everyone Trish and her boyfriend Will..we were a happy couple...Until one day where we took it to far. We had beaten each other half to death..and we risked your safety in the process." I look at him and he said "We then..became separate but stayed in the house together. Not wanting you to have split parents..then she left..I was left with you..alone..and I was scared to raise you alone..but I did what I could..I made sure that you had a good life..and you did.." I nod and stare at my thumbs along with twiddling them. "When I had first met Sarah..we had fallen for each other right away..she took me to her apartment and we obviously did it..that got her pregnant..I stayed with her but I also had to take care of I was tied between two homes..while you were at school...I was with Sarah..and while you were home..I left Sarah at her apartment. When Nick was born, I was torn between two was rather difficult and I had started to drink most people..stress makes us drink..that's when I had my accident..then Sarah was threatening me..and you were needed to be cared was overwhelming.." I nod and stare at dad. "But I over came the stress and drinking..but with the wedding and you finding out. That stress is coming back...I know your not always the best..and I know that you never knew her..but I think it's time I start letting you know about her.." He grabs something in his desk and hands me a photograph. "You were only a couple months old.." He says and it's a photo of me on my moms chest while she was asleep. "She loved you very dearly..I remember when you'd cry..she was the first to go get you..even when I told her not to..she would always hold you close and she would get quite possessive over you..we moved you so much..and I am pretty sure that we always will love you..your mum might be rough at showing it but I know deep down in her heart..she still loves I Hailee. You can be mad all you want..I won't stop you for being beyond pissed with me..what I did was unforgivable..." I nod and said "It was..but I can't hate you..I'm not good at hating people..." He sighs and said "You are. You hated Sarah for years..I know you still do." I look down and crossed my arms. I stare at the wall and dad stands up along with giving me a tight hug. I sigh and I don't do anything. He kissed my head and said "Now..keep that photo..and head off to your bedroom. We have a wedding tomorrow." I nod and go back to my bedroom along with staring at the photograph. I can't help but smile at it and I lie in my bed along with staring at the photo. Mom looked so..happy with me..maybe I need to get a second chance to talk to her again..I needed to have more then a meeting in a closet. I write something down in my notebook and I stay staring at the photo.

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