Chapter 5

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I walk into History and my teacher sits at his desk. "Um..Mr..." He looks up and said "Mr. Harrelson." I nod and said "Mr. Harrelson..I need to change my person for the hero project." He looks up and rose his eyebrow along with crossing his arms. Shit, he looks unpleased with my request and he says "No." He turns back to his work and I said "But why? If I need a reason I'll give dad has history with the women-" "No. I'm sorry Hailee but you get what you get and plus..everyone got their hero for a reason. I will not trade yours." I sigh and go to my seat along with frowning. Looks like I'll just do my project in secret and I'll just lie to Dad about it. I usually hate lying but sometimes you have to. Plus dad won't find out..I'm good at keeping secrets. Others walk in and I see Winn walk in. "So. The weddings on?" He says sitting next to me and I nodded along with frowning still. "Well. I'm sorry." He says and sighs "How's the research going?" He asks and I said "My dad apparently has history with this woman." Winn chuckled and said "Damn..That sucks." I roll my eyes and said "Yep.." The bell rings and I stare at the board while Mr. Harrelson writes on it. "Okay class, we're gonna continue our projects. And as I told Hailee Jones-Thomson, you may not trade your person. Like you were told in your childhood, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit. Isn't that right Miss Jones-Thompson?" I sink in my seat and nodded along with hearing people around me laugh. I frown and Mr. Harrelson puts on the announcements along with sitting in his seat. "Bastard." I say quietly and everyone begins to work on their projects. I sigh and pull out my laptop along with grabbing the papers I found yesterday. I get to work and I also start to write the information down. Not much about her..I found plenty about her being kicked from the Avengers and it was interesting. 'Jewel was kicked out of the Avengers because of a attempted murder of Avenger Scarlet Witch..she claimed that she was mind controlled by someone called The Purple Man. There has been no proof that this man exists and the hero was let go. No one has seen her in years..some say she just wiped herself out of the superheroes.' I sigh and I go to the next paper along with reading it. It wasn't that much different than the last article and I write down a few more things along with looking at a photo. She looked familiar..why though? I keep thinking about her and how she just vanished without one trace. Sort of reminds me of my mom..she left without leaving a trace..just a note to Dad that went something like this. 'Dear Kevin, I'm sorry..I wish I could stay but I can't..we have been fighting non-stop..we can't agree on many things..Hailee can't go with me..Hells Kitchen isn't safe for her...Maybe when she's older we can agree on a shared system or whatever the hell its called..I'm so sorry. Love, Your Jessica' I found that letter  when I was younger and I took it from Dad. One memory of mom and then I found a photograph of her. In the photograph, she wore a grey tank top and jeans along with sunglasses. Her black hair was in a ponytail and she was looking at a computer. Dad told me he took the picture and gave it for me to keep. I now kept that photo in my drawer and I look it at every now and then. I do look somewhat like her but at the same time I don't. I always wanted to meet my mom but she was never around or ever came to see me. Sometimes I use to think she forgot she had a kid or that she didn't care about me. But I put those thoughts aside because I knew that one day I would meet her. Well that day never came and I sort of stopped thinking about my mom. Until now. I stare at the clock and the bell rings. Everyone gets up and leaves. I head to English and start to devise a plan in my mind. Maybe I could check dads files to find some stuff about this Jewel woman, since the way he reacted was obvious that he knew her. I sat down and I start to make the plan in my mind.

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